Chapter 3: The former water hashira

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Tanjiro POV

One day has passed and Nezuko and I are currently climbing up the mountain Giyuu told us to go to. It's night time now, I couldn't go out due to me being a demon and since the sun was shining during the day so we found a cave and slept in it during the day to rest. 

"We are almost there, Nezuko." 

No one POV

Tanjiro and Nezuko both have a great sense of smell so when they were half way from climbing the mountain, they could smell something evil... something horrible. It got bigger and bigger... until a voice could be heard.

"Oooooo, it's a kids meal."

Nezuko POV

I thought I smelled something bad, and then a demon appeared. My brother also noticed that it was a demon and pushed me back.


"Onii-chan!" I screamed.

The demon charged towards us. But this demon was vulnerable and it was charging at us carelessly. 

"It's time for lunch!" The demon shouted.

Tanjiro used his hatchet and stabbed the demons chest, it fell back after the impact and cursed in pain.


It charged back at Tanjiro but it got too careless and tanjiro managed to chop off all the demon's arms and legs and soon beheaded it. Tanjiro pinned the demons head on a nearby tree to prevent it from regenerating it's body.

Tanjiro's POV

"Damn you, damn you-damn you-DAMN YOU!!! How dare you!! Wait y-yo-you are... A DEMON!!! Why are you not eating that girl over there. More importantly, WHY ARE YOU KILLING ME!!! YOUR OWN KIND!!" The demon said.

"Eww, eating humans is disgusting." I said with a disgusted face. 

"And I am not like you, I still have my human sense." I followed up.

How am I supposed to kill this thing, every time I stab it it always regenerates.

Author: But little did Tanjiro and Nezuko know, someone was watching them, it was Mr Urokodaki-San. 

Urokodaki POV

Looks like what Giyuu said was true, this demon still had his human senses. I walk out from my hiding spot...

"Are you two Tanjiro Kamado and Nezuko Kamado?" I asked, shocking them in the process.

The boy took a step back when he saw me and said...

"Yes, this is my sister Nezuko. Are you perhaps Urokodaki?" He asked.

"Yes I am, I take it that Giyuu sent you and your sister."

"Yes, I want you to teach me and my sister here how to kill a demon."

"Firstly," I said. "To kill a demon, you need to behead a demon using a blade made out of a special metal that has the power of the sun. Demon Slayers use nichirin katanas which are made out of that metal. But that demon over there is weak so u can just crush his head with that hatchet."

The boy demon then took the hatchet off from the tree and faced the already regenerating demon. But then I smelled something... a scent of kindness that was coming from the boy. Then he swung his hatchet and cut the demons head in half and the demon head soon disappeared into thin air. But the most shocking part was that the boy prayed for dying demon. 

This boy... this demon boy prayed for something that might have had killed others. This was a first for me.

Tanjiro POV

So this is what it feels like when killing a demon. I looked back at Urokodaki. He wore a tengu mask and a haori with a cyan waves 🌊 design.

"Both of you, come with me." Urokodaki said, referring to Nezuko and I.

We followed him to what looks to be his house where he told us to bath in is bathroom. It was then when I realized that not only my face but my entire body was covered with scars. I sighed, looks like I have to used to this demon stuff. I came out from the bathroom, it was Nezuko's turn to bath. Then I saw Urokodaki-san bringing food from his kitchen. 

"Are you hungry? Well, it's not like you can eat human food anyway." He said.

I was so hungry since I started walking here that I didn't pay attention to what he said and gobbled down the food (like luffy). 

"You can eat human food!?" Urokodaki asked in surprise. "Amazing, looks like you won't need to eat humans to survive."

Urokodaki then explained everything Neuko and I needed to know about demons such as the fact that demons who are powerful enough can develop abilities called blood demon arts and the fact that the demon king, Muzan, who was VERY powerful, was the only one who could turn people into demons. He gave us a brief description of breathing styles and the different elements associated with it. He also told us about an organization called the Demon Slayer Corps (DSC) who slayed demons and that he was the former water hashira.

"So Muzan was the one who murdered my family and turned me into a demon." I said.

"Y-y-you said his name." Urokodaki said in shock.

"yeah, so?"

Urokodaki then took in a huge breather and said...

"When a demon says Muzan's name, a curse will be activated that kills the demon. Only demons who are strong enough will not be affected by the curse and you only just became a demon."

"So that means that I am half human and half demon then." I said.

"So when are we going to start training to fight and kill demons?" Nezuko asked.

"There is one thing you two need to do first." He said. "Come with me." 

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