Chapter 7: Zenitsu... gone!

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Ogimoto house...

In one of the rooms at the Ogimoto house, a woman is restrained in the air by Obi like tentacles.

Woman: Somehow it found me. And I've lost contact with the other two. I need to get this information to Tengen quickly!

???: "Someone's coming again, this house is filled with busybodies!"

Woman: "HMM!!! MMM!!!"

???: "Shut it if not I'll crush your guts!"

Outside the room...

When Inosuke was taken in by the house, they removed his ugly make up and left him with his woman like appearance. However, Uzui had restricted Inosuke from talking since his voice sounded nothing like a girl and that he couldn't change his tone of voice at all.

Inosuke: I feel like I'm in danger, I'm feeling a strange feeling, I don't know what it is. Wait! That's Makio's room, but why does it feel creepy.

Inosuke then rushes to open the door but the creature (???) senses him and quickly disappeared with the woman(Makio). And when Inosuke entered the room, he saw scratches on the walls.

Inosuke: I feel a breeze but the windows are closed. Up there in the rafters! I knew it! A demon! It's daylight now so it's hiding up there! *grabs bowl with ramen and throws it* 

"URAAAAAHH!!! I know you're there!"

Inosuke could here movements but he didn't know if the creature was moving through the walls or the ceiling.

Inosuke: Maybe I could punch through the wall and drag the demon out! Alright here! 

Instead had his fist in the air ready to punch a wall but was blocked by a man who suddenly came in Inosuke's direction and appeared to be drunk.

Man: "What's a beauty like you doing here?"

Inosuke couldn't stop his attack in time and punched the man in the face which alarmed some girls watching.

Inosuke: Shoot! I lost it thanks to that idiot!

Meanwhile at Kyogoku house...

Zenitsu: I kinda lost my head after that incident. I'm supposed to be looking for Uzui's wife but I've been listening to everyone and I can't find clues to Hinatsuru. Everyone's sad and isn't talking.

Then zenitsu hears a girl crying and rushes to that room. When he entered he saw the girl crying in a trashed room. The furniture was lying all over the place and there were cracked vases and flower pots.

Zenitsu: "What is this mess! Was there a fight or something!?"

The girl heard home and turned around. Then, she cried even harder.

Zenitsu: " Oh! I'm so sorry. Look, if you're in some kind of trou-"


Zenitsu senses an evil aura behind him. Turns out, it was Warabihime.

Warabihime: "What are you doing in my room? *shoots a deathly stare*

Zenitsu: I know that sound! A human doesn't make that sound... It's a demon! Until it spoke I didn't even notice her at all. I-Is it an upper rank? Scary...! *trembles* 

Warabihime: "Hey! Are you deaf!?"

There were two young girls watching outside the room and trembling.

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