Chapter 2: Enter Giyuu

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nezuko POV

"QUICK!! RUN!! He is a demon! he'll eat you!" The man shouted. 

Demon? i've my father talk about them before but they really exist?

Tanjiro quickly carried me away while dodging the man's next attack. I got up and raised both of my hands in the air to prevent him from attacking Tanjiro.

"NO!!! DONT KILL HIM!! HE'S MY BROTHER!!! I shouted at the man.

"But he is still a demon! Do you not understand? Your brother will start to eat other humans! I must kill him before he even eats you!" he shouted back. Well at least I know he is a good guy.

And somehow Tanjiro managed to get up and dashed towards the man and kicked him in the stomach. He ran back to me and now he was the one who raised his hands to protect me.

Man's POV 

'Shit! he managed to regenerate!' I thought to myself. When I got up I couldn't believe what I         saw. 'A demon protecting its human younger sister?' 'Somehow the demon did not go crazy and kill everyone but how was this possible?'

"Is she really your younger sister?" I asked the demon.

"YES!" He answered. "So stop attacking us! Our family just got killed by a demon!" 

'No wonder I sensed a stronger power.' He must have had become a demon when it attacked his family.' 

I thought for a while. Then I asked and put my katana down.

"Do you want to avenge your family and kill demons? I asked him.

'What?" the demon asked in confusion.

'I said, do you want to avenge your family and kill demons." I answered back, louder this time.


"Then go up to that mountain." I said pointing towards a mountain behind me. "You will meet a man there named Sakonji Urokodaki there. He will train you to become a demon slayer. And go only when there is no sunlight. Demons can't walk in sunlight.

"Wait i'm a demon?" He asked.

"Yes, that's how you were able to regenerate after I stabbed you. You didn't know? Your face already looks like one that belongs to a demon." I answered.

Then I saw disbelief on his face.

Tanjiro POV

I-I-I'm a d-demon?? How? I was shocked beyond words. But so what if I was a demon. I will never ever eat a demon and if I did I would kill myself. I looked back to nezuko and saw her hugging me tightly. 

"What is your name sir?" I turned around and said.

"Tomioka, Tomioka Giyuu. Yours?" He replied with a monotonous voice.

"Tanjiro Kamado" I replied with a smile.

I picked up the hatchet that I had left on the ground that was filled with snow. I turned back to nezuko.

"Do you want to become a demon slayer with me." I asked.

"Yes! I want to avenge our family." She said and nodded in agreement.

I looked back and saw that Giyuu had disappeared. Well I guess it's time we go to the top of the mountain.

Giyuu's POV

'How interesting. A demon protecting its human sister how curious indeed.'

I left the area and got out a piece of paper and a small brush and filled it with ink from my pocket and wrote:

                       Dear Urokodaki sensei, 

  I have told a demon and it's human sister to go to the mountain where you are at 

right now. Don't worry. The demon does not eat humans and has is a very kind hearted person. 

It's name is Tanjiro Kamado. I was surprised that that was possible even though he had just 

became a demon. I send them with hopes that u would train him and his sister to become 

demon slayers and teach them water breathing. I can tell that they are very determined.

I wish you the best of luck and hope that u will train them well.

-Giyuu Tomioka.

I tied the paper to my crow's leg.

"Send it to sensei." I ordered it. And watched it fly away until I couldn't see it anymore.

"What a day." I sighed.

15 minutes later, somewhere on a mountain.

???: "Hmm... very interesting... very interesting indeed. Let's see how this goes."                

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