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"Jimina I'm so nervous." I said as I was walking here and there in my room.

"Taehyung-ah, you don't need to be nervous. Everything will be alright." Jimin said as he tryed not to laugh at me. I pouted and throw a pillow on him.

"What if he will not likes me?" I asked.

"Taehyung, you will be 18 in 1 week. You will know who is your mate, it's not anything scary. And what do you mean by "what if he will not likes me"? He is an idiot if he will not likes you." Jimin said.

"Ufff it's easy to say for you. You have a mate who loved you before than you two got mated." I said.

"Well yeah Yoongi and I fall in love before than we knew that we are mates but don't worry, I'm sure that your mate will love you too. It can't be that bad right?" Jimin said.

"Well I hope it can't. But what if he is my mate?" I asked as I lightly gulped.

"You mean Jungkook?" Jimin asked.

"Yes, what if he is my mate?? He still didn't meet his mate too." I said.

"Well it will not be that bad." Jimin said.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"I am." Jimin said and giggled.

"Yeah it will be really great if the hottest and sexiest man alive is my mate. Jimina I can't even speak with him or look at his eyes properly. What do you think what will happen if I'm his mate?? He will hate me because I'm fucking weak." I said as tears started forming in my light blue eyes.

"Hey calm down." Jimin said and hugged me.

"He will not hates you. It's not your fault that you are an omega. Tae he can't hate you, you are the most beautiful omega in the whole Blue-moon pack. You have the pretiest heart. How can he hate you??" Jimin said.

I sniffed then slowly pulled away from hug and looked at Jimin.

"Are you sure?? He will not hates me, right??" I asked one more time, just to be sure.

"I'm sure, now stop crying and wipe your tears. Let's go out and meet with other." Jimin said. I nodded then wiped my tears and smiled.

"Good now let's go." Jimin said and stood up.

I stood up too and checked myself one more time in the mirror.

"You looks good don't worry. Jungkook will like it." Jimin said making me to lightly blush.

"Yahh let's just go." I said then we walked out of my room and left to meet other.


"Ohh look who decided to show up." Jin hyung aka my brother said as Jimin and me walked out of the house.

"Yahh hyung we was talking about something important." Jimin said.

"Yeah yeah come here and help me with lunch." Jin hyung said as we just nodded.

"Tae is it everything okay?" Jin hyung asked me as we started to helping him.

"Yeah it is." I said and continued cutting vegetables.

"No it's not, he is nervous." Jimin said making me to glare at him but he just rolled his eyes on me then looked at Jin hyung.

"Is it about his mate?" Jin hyung asked. I widened my eyes and looked at him.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Tae you are my little brother, of course that I will know. Don't worry, everything will be okay." Jin hyung said and softly smiled at me.

After half of hour we finished lunch.

"Tae go and call others." Jin hyung said.

"But why me?" I asked as I looked at hyung.

"Just go to them, they will not eat you." Hyung said. I looked at Jimin who just smirked at me. I cursed under breath then left to call others.



"Jungkook-ah at whom you are staring like that?" Yoongi hyung asked me out of nowhere. I looked at him and smiled nervously.

"At noone hyung." I said then looked away.

"Yeah, yeah liar." Yoongi hyung said.

"He is looking at my brother-in-law." Namjoon hyung said making me shocked.

"Ohhh does our Jungkookie has a crush on TaeTae?" Jhope hyung started teasing me.

"Yahh hyung, can you not say that out loud?" I said as I looked at Tae, checking did he maybe heard us.

"Hahah it's okay Jungkook, he is your mate right?" Namjoon hyung said.

"Yes but he doesn't know it yet." I said.

"I can't wait to see his reaction." Jhope hyung said on what I just shaked my head and secretly smiled.

"He is coming here." Hyung added.

"Shhh don't say anything." I said as I looked at Taehyung who was slowly walking towards us. How can someone be this beautiful?? His scent is so sweet. He is the most beautiful omega in our pack. I just hope that he will accept me as his mate.

"J-Jin hyung c-called you all f-for l-lunch." Taehyung stuttered as he was looking at the ground. Why he must to be this cute?? I was looking at him whole time.

"Ohh okey, come on guys let's go." Namjoon hyung said. Hyungs left while Taehyung still was standing in front of me, looking at the ground.

I smiled then slowly came closer to him. I placed a finger under his chin and made him to look at me.

"Why are you looking at the ground?" I asked.

"I- s-sorry." He said and looked away.

"Why are you sorry? You don't need to be sorry." I said softly.

I slowly looked at him and I saw a little tint of blush on his cheeks. I chuckled at his cuteness.

"Why are you so shy around me??" I asked making him shy even more.

"I d-don't k-know." He said as he closed eyes. I smirked then kissed his cheek.

He opened his eyes and looked at me with shocked face.

"W-what a-are y-you d-doing?" He asked.

"Kissing you. Why?? Is it something wrong?" I asked as I came more closer. I can hear his fast and loud heartbeat. I smiled proudly, knowing that I can make him to feel like this.

"B-but t-this isn't r-right." He said and again looked down.

"Why not?? Is it bad thing to kiss someone on his cheek?" I asked and smiled.

"You know t-that we s-still don't h-have our m-mates." He said making me to smirk secretly.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"N-nothing, let's go. Jin h-hyung is w-waiting for us." He said and turned around. Just as he was about to step, I grabbed him by his waist and pulled him towards me.

He bumped into my chest, his back placed onto mine chest. I slowly wrapped both of my arms around his waist, holding him tightly.

"Why are you always trying to run away from me?" I whispered into his ear.

"J-Jungkook p-please let m-me go." He said, more like whispered.

"Answer me first." I said softly. I was mesmerize with his sweet strawberry scent.

"I'm not t-trying to do t-that." He said and somehow escaped from my arms and runned to our hyungs. I smiled at his cuteness.

I can't wait his birthday, I can't wait to see his face when he finds out that I'm his mate. I walked to other, sitting down next to Taehyung, making him blushing just by sitting near him. Cute, I thought.


I hope you like it 💖

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