Lost omega - epilogue pt.3 -

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Day came so fast, Jungkook didn't even realized when he fall in the sleep with his daughter in his arms.

They probably didn't even realized that they fall in sleep on the chair on the balcony. Jungkook woke up with little bit pain in his back.

"Ohh God." Jungkook mumbled but couldn't move as Ma-ha was lying on top of him.

"Good morning dada." Ma-ha said as she looked at Jungkook with little smile.

"Good morning princess. Slept well?" Jungkook asked as he caressed her hair.

"I did because I was sleeping in your arms dada but I still miss appa. I want him to come back soon." Ma-ha said. Jungkook smiled sadly then kissed her forehead.

"Don't worry Ma-ha, appa will be with us soon okey baby." Jungkook said.

"Okay dada." Ma-ha said.

"Let's go, we need to prepare breakfast and eat it then you are going to Jin hyung." Jungkook said.

"Yess, I will play with Jun." Ma-ha squeeled. She stood up and literally runned out of there.

"Good morning my love, I hope you are fine." Jungkook said in his mind.



Lili walked towards place where her mate was locked, she was heading there with food and water.

"I brought him food." Lili said to one of the guards.

"Alpha said that he can't eat or drink anything for 2 days." The guard said.

"Jackson, please don't do this. He is your friend, please let me in." Lili pleaded.

"But what if alpha get to know about it?" Jackson asked. He wasn't afraid for his life, he was afraid what alpha might do to Bogum or to Lili even, he didn't wanted his friends to be in trouble.

"Don't worry, he will not know it. He curently isn't in the pack." Lili said.

"Okey, but please be quick." Jackson said. Lili nodded and smiled.

Jackson unlocked the door and let Lili inside. As Lili came inside she was brought into hug, making her to almost drop all the food.

"I brought you food." Lili said. Bogum pulled away and looked at her with smile.

"Thank you love, you are the best." Bogum said as he pecked her forehead. She smiled then placed the food down on the little table.

After some important talking she left from there with little smirk.


Day came into Ateez town too, waking up all the people living there.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes and kinda panicked when he saw that he isn't in his room but then he remembered what happened yesterday and where he was actually so he calmed down.

"Good morning my babies." Taehyung said in his mind.

He miss Jungkook and Ma-ha a lot, he can't even describe how much he miss them but he can't go back into pack or his uncle will find him.

Taehyung never knew what his uncle excatly wants from him until one day he didn't heard Namjoon and Jungkook talking about it.

His uncle wants him to mate with Bogum, with his own cousin just because Taehyung is male omega and he would using him for giving a births to kids.

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