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It was finally party day. [A/N: Party party yeah.] Everyone in the pack was awaken early in the morning. Place where party will be is getting ready by few alphas and betas from the pack. Everyone is excited to see who is Taehyung's mate.

Few of them already knew but didn't told to anyone. Jin was busy making food for everyone, he had a help of few betas.

Yoongi and Jhope was helping in the place where party will be. Namjoon was walking here and there, checking is it everything going how it should. Jungkook was sent to home to take a rest.

Jimin was with Taehyung in Taehyung's room. Taehyung still couldn't choose between 2 outfits.

"Tae whatever you wear will look good on you." Jimin said as he throw himself on the floor, yeah you read right on the floor.

Taehyung looked at him trying to find out why is Jimin on floor.

"Why are you on the floor?" Taehyung asked.

"It's comfy here, now just choose one of outfit." Jimin said.

"Fine, I choose this one." Taehyung said, Jimin clapped his hands.

"Good choice." Jimin said.



Night came very fast. Almost all members from the pack was already on the place where party will be.

Only one who still didn't arrived was Jungkook, Taehyung, Jin, Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi and Jhope. Other members of the pack was talking with each other, having fun.

After few more minutes alpha of the pack Namjoon and luna of the pack Jin came on the party. Everyone greeted them, slightly bowing at them. Namjoon and Jin was respected by pack, everyone respected them.

"Good evening everyone." Namjoon greeted other with smile.

Not long after them Jungkook and Jhope appeared on the party too. Jungkook looked so handsome that some betas was droling over him not knowing that he already have mate, one beautiful mate.

"Welcome Jungkook, you looks so handsome. I'm sure Tae will love it." Jin said.

"I can't wait to see him." Jungkook said.

"Hmm I bet you do. He looks so pretty, don't stare too much or he might trip and fall." Jin said and giggled.

Just then everyone got quit and turned their heads towards 3 males, towards Taehyung excatly. He came together with Jimin and Yoongi.


One part of the party

One part of the party

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Jungkook's outfit

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