Lost omega -epilogue pt.2 -

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"We will attack them right on their wedding. They can't marry each other otherwise we don't have any more use of Taehyung." Kim Jihyun, Taehyung's and Jin's uncle said.

A person leading an Red moon pack army just nodded at his alpha.

"Father!!!! Why are you doing this??? Why don't you let them live peacefully??" The tall, black male stormed into hall where his father was.

"Bogum!! Don't disrespect your father. I'm doing this for you and our pack." Jihyun yelled on his son, his eyes glowing dark red.

"Listen me well now. I don't care about your want to make me to mate with Taehyung. He is my cousin and I respect him. I have mate whom I love and I'm not going to leave her. I will told to Taehyung and Jin what you did to their parents. They will know everything." Bogum yelled and turned around to go out but...

"Guards hold him!!" Jihyun yelled, guards nodding their heads and immediately grabbed Bogum.

"Let me go you idiots!!" Bogum yelled.

"Lock him into room, he is not going to ruin my plans." Jihyun said. Guards nodded and walked with Bogum out of the hall.



"How dare you to betray me??? You are my son, the next alpha of this pack!!! How dare you to do that?" Jihyun yelled than slapped his son's cheek.

Lili, Bogum's mate gasped as she saw her mate falling on his knees due to strong hit by his father.

"B-Bogumie." Lili whispered and runned towards her mate.

"Shh it's okay, baby. I'm fine." Bogum said and smiled. He looked back at his father and smirked.

"You will never catch him Jihyun, I will not let you to destroy his life." Bogum said.

"You think a lot about yourself Bogum. You are nothing compared towards me and you will never be." Jihyun said.

"Of course I will never be like you because I have a fucking heart and I can't see people being hurt. You are a monster." Bogum yelled.

"Guards, take him in prison and don't give him a food for 2 days." Jihyun said then left from there.

"Bogum!!" Lili yelled, she was scared for her mate.

"I'm fine, don't worry. I will see you soon, take care my love." Bogum said before than guards harshly took him into pack's prison.


Ateez town, full of cheerful humans, humans who don't know about "evil" word. In that town everything is so much perfect that sometimes is scary to see everyone in good relationships and friendships.

There never was any fight not any bad situation, everything is like in fairy and it's hard to believe it.

Ateez town is made it by few people who call themselves Ateez, they are a group of 8 members.

Seonghwa, Hoongjoong, Yunho, San, Yeosang, Mingi, Wooyoung and Jongho, people who made this wonderfull town and still live in there.

But there are some other groups of people too.

Whole name of town stands for Ateez of course but their letters stands for each of the group who helped in progress of the town.

A stands for Astro and Aespa,
T stands for TXT, first
E stands for Exid and Everglow while other
E stands for Enhypen and last letter
Z stands for Zico.

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