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I can't believe that I actually yelled at Jungkook today. What happened to me?? Oh gosh, Taehyung you should know your place.

He is alpha and I am just omega. I should show respect to him. He is older than me 2 years so I should call him hyung.

Ufff why Jimin had to leave me alone here. I'm so bored, Jimin left with Yoongi hyung in the town. Jin hyung has some work so he left with Namjoon hyung.

Jhope hyung also left somewhere, I'm all alone. I sighed as I stood up from my bed and walked downstairs then out of the house.

Just as I closed the door and turned around I was met with Jungkook. I almost fainted out because of his look.

He was wearing black shirt, 2 buttons unbottoned and tight black pants. I almost chocked as he smirked at me.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." Jungkook said, bringing me back into reality.

"W-what?" I asked as I looked down. He stepped closer to me and placed a finger under my chin, making me to look up at him.

"You was staring at me baby." Jungkook said then again pecked my cheeks. I blushed but not because of kisses, it was because of word ,,baby".

"W-what are y-you d-doing here?" I asked, trying to avoid his eyes.

"I'm here to be with you as you are all alone." Jungkook said. I just nodded.

"Okey, let's go then." Jungkook said as he grabbed my by my hand and started walking.

"Wait, w-where are w-we g-going?" I asked, trying to not be so nervous.

"On one special place of mine. You will really like it." Jungkook said while smiling.

"Y-your s-special p-place?" I asked.

"Yes." He said.

"Why are you t-taking me t-there t-then?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he looked at me this time.

"It's y-your special p-place." I said as I was looking back at him. He smiled as he stopped walking, he placed his hand on my cheek and softly caressed it.

"And?? If I'm taking you there that means that you are special to me too." He said making me shy.

"W-what are y-you s-saying?" I asked as I looked away. I heard him softly giggling.

"Come on, we will talk there." He said and we again started walking.


After 20 minutes of walking we finally reached our destination and woah, this place is so beautiful. It's one so big garden with little lake in the middle of the garden.

A garden was full of different flowers but my eyes catch the purple flowers. I let go of Jungkook's hand and walked towards purple flowers.

"It's so beautiful." I said as I was carefully watching flowers. I smiled as one butterfly landed on my nose making me to softly giggle.

"Kookie how did you found this place?" I asked as I turned around then realized what I said.

"I m-mean J-Jungkook." I said.

Jungkook came closer to me and made me to look at him, he softly smiled before talking.

"You can call me whatever you want. And please stop being so shy around me. You can talk normal with me, okay." He said.

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