She's Back

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Dallas' POV

Johnny and I went back to the Curtis' and we didn't talk much on the way back. "Hey, guys." Ponyboy said as we walked in the door.

"Hey, Pony. Where's everyone at?" Johnny asked.

"Darry, Soda, and Steve are at work. Two-Bit's out with a girl." He said turning off the TV.

"Shocker." Johnny said sarcastically. They both laughed. I went to the kitchen and looked for something to eat.

"What's up with Dal?" Pony asked Johnny.

"He's bitter and angry." Johnny mumbled.

"I AM NOT BITTER OR ANGRY!" I yelled walking out of the kitchen.

They both looked at each other and grinned.

"Whatever. I'm leaving. Have fun being annoying and bitchy and whatever you two do all day." I said starting for the door.

"No, we're going to the drive in. Knock it off." Johnny said with a laugh.

"Y'all are assholes. I wanna go home." I said putting my hand on the door knob ready to walk out.

"Dallas, I told you it was gonna make you bitter. Still waiting for you to prove it didn't."

I rolled my eyes. I hate this situation but I hate being wrong, too. I angrily sat on the couch and turned the TV on again.

"What happened?" Ponyboy asked sitting on the chair.

Johnny leaned against the wall and laughed. "Dal, you wanna tell him?" He asked.

"Oh, shut your trap." I said with a groan.

Johnny grinned. "Valeria is coming back to town." He said quickly.

Before Ponyboy could speak, I said something. "She just runs off to college without a word of goodbye to anyone, not even Soda, and she just comes back like and owns the place!" I snapped.

"She was a nice girl. I don't think she thinks she "owns the place." Johnny said.

"I thought it was weird that she left without a goodbye to anyone. Especially Soda. But she was real nice. She wouldn't come back to make everyone mad. She's doing it for herself. And she's doing it with another person." Ponyboy said trying to make light of the situation.

"Whatever her reason is, I don't care. I hate her." I said slouching back.

"Liar." They both said at the same time. "You we're head over heels in love with that girl. I have a hard time believing you could hate her." Ponyboy continued.

Maybe they were right. But I'd never admit it.

Valeria's POV

We finally made it... back to Tulsa. We're here. Oh boy. It was crazy. I'm gonna be living here again.

Hana got there about twenty minutes after I did. I had a few boxes upstairs already but it was getting dark and I wanted to get to the store before it was too late.

I wanted to get here early to Hana could get beds but it didn't work out that way. We'll probably be sleeping on the floor for the next few nights, which I don't look forward to.

I finished getting everything out of my car and Hana brought it up. I grabbed some cash from my bag and went to the store just a few minutes outta downtown.

I had a list of things I needed for the night. Shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, toilet paper, and a few snack bar packages to get us through the night.

I grabbed it all and managed to fit it in three bags. But I had to carry the toilet paper rolls because they were to big for a bag.

I struggled to carry it all out the door but lucky for me, someone help it open for me.

I quickly uttered a 'thank you' as I finally got it all together.

As I was just out the door, the man who held the door for me said my name, like he knew me. I turned around with a curious look on my face. It took me a second to realize who it was because of the lack of light but it was Sodapop.

"Soda!" I said eagerly.

I put the stuff on the sidewalk and hugged him. "What are you doing here?" He asked with a grin.

"Well, I just graduated college and my roommate and I decided to move back and open a restaurant downtown." I said with a smile.

"That's amazing! I'm sorry about you and Dal. I never heard the full story but I knew it was rough." He said, sympathetically.

"It's ok. I got over it." Well, I dunno if I'd say that. But it was close enough. "But I feel real bad about leaving without saying goodbye. And just to let you know, you've never been replaced as my number one best friend." I said with a laugh.

He grinned. "Same with you. Do you wanna come back to the house? Everyone really misses ya."

"I dunno." I said, nervously. "Is Dallas there?" I asked.

"Nah. Him, Pony and Johnny went to the drive in. They just left, too. Won't be back for another two hours or so." He said.

I thought for a second. "I mean, I guess it wouldn't hurt to stop by." I mumbled.

"Yay! Let's go!" He said walking off.

"Soda, we can drive there." I said opening the trunk to my car and putting the groceries in there.

"Oh yeah! Shotgun!" He yelled jumping in the front seat.

I grinned. I told Soda about Hana and my time at college. Lucky for me, he said the new diner's the talk of the town. Once we get a few more employees, we'll be ready to open.

"Y'know, I'm glad I ran into ya. I missed you. But also, I'm glad to see the town again. It's just as I remember it." I said turning down into his neighborhood.

"I'm glad you're back, too. I knew you wanted to go to college, but I wasn't sure which one. I was kinda hoping you stayed and went to University of Tulsa but Dal said you went farther."

I sighed. "I did. I applied for UT but that was when I wanted to stay close and live with Dally. So I went to Oklahoma City and went to college there."

He grinned. "I kinda figured you ran across the country. Wanted nothing to do with this town. I know your parents weren't the greatest, either."

"Yeah..." I mumbled. "I haven't talked to them since I went to college. They paid for it in full and they got what they wanted. I'm outta there hair for good." I said.

"That's good. You don't need them anyway." He said trying to cheer me up.

I laughed. He did always know how to make anyone laugh. No matter the circumstances.

But we pulled up to his house and got out. Boy it was just like it was years ago. The thing was, I almost didn't like it.

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