Home Away From Home

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Valeria's POV

I cried for what seemed like forever. But in reality, it couldn't have been more than five minutes. The dark night never seemed like it was gonna become light again. The cold chills crawled down my back.

"Valeria?" Someone asked.

It startled me. I hoped it was Griffin. I turned around with a panicked look on my face. I wanted to yell at Griffin for what he said to me. For his accusations. For everything. But it wasn't him. It was Dallas.

"Are you ok?" He asked sympathetically.

"No..." I said trying to compose myself. But I couldn't. I pulled myself into his arms unable to contain myself. Unable to contain my emotions. It took him a second to respond but he finally hugged me back.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" He asked.

"No." I said bluntly. "I can't. I have no doubt in my mind that Hana knows about the damn proposal. She loves Griffin. She's gonna be so disappointed in me." I said trying to wipe the mascara running down my cheeks, off my face.

He didn't say anything for a second. "I'm not gonna leave you here by yourself I'm a sketchy part of town. So I know this probably isn't ideal to you, but do you wanna come back to my house?" He asked trying to come up with a solution.

It took me a second to think of a response. "I guess it's better than wherever I'd find myself at." I mumbled.

"My cars this way. Come on." He said walking behind me. I followed him as I put my hands in my pockets trying to keep them warm.

We got in his car and it wasn't one of Bucks old cars. It looked like his own. I did notice that the tag on the license plate said November whole Bucks birthday was in January.

I guess it never occurred to me that Dallas could own his own stuff. But what shocked me next was the house he pulled up to. After the awkward car ride, I was ready to get inside.

He walked in before me and when I walked in, I was shocked. He really did have his own place. But it wasn't anything you'd except. I actually really liked it.

"Bathrooms to your left. Bedroom's to your right. Everything else is pretty much laid out in front of ya." He said going to the couch.

I stood there, still in shock. "Ok..." I finally managed to get out. I went to the bathroom to try and clean my face off. There was still a small amount of mascara that had stained my cheeks.

I didn't wanna spend too much time trying to perfect my looks cause all I really wanted to do was go to bed anyway.

I stepped out of the bathroom and Dallas wasn't on the couch anymore. I heard a creak on the wooden floors behind me.

"So I've gotta ask," Dallas started, "why did you say no?" He asked leaning on the wall.

I turned around and sighed. "I dunno. I moved back to focus on living. Starting my life with Hana. Just being happy with my decision. And I feel like as soon as I got back I already started moving to fast. I was exhausted when we met. I've been working all day like nonstop and he just waltzed into my life. It was all so quickly. It was only 9 months today. I just don't think I'm ready for it. And it's not like weddings are cheap."

"Neither was that ring." Dallas said with a grin. He walked back over to the couch.

"Jeez, you're telling me. God, hope he can return it. Or find another girl to give it to." I said sitting towards the middle of the couch. Not exactly next to him, but not the opposite side.

"You two aren't together anymore?" He asked.

I didn't believe that he didn't know we weren't together. But I went along with it. "Nope. Said either I marry him or we're over. I didn't wanna get married. Couldn't do it. So I ended things." I said quietly.

"Well, I'm sorry. I really am." He said making eye contact with me.

"It's ok. But I'm tired and I just want this night to be over with." I said burying my head in my knees.

"I'll sleep on the couch tonight. You can sleep in my bed." He said motioning towards the door.

"No, it's ok. I won't do that to ya." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Really, I don't mind. I know it's been a long day."

I sighed. I got up, unwilling to debate it. I don't know if I've ever slept any better. Once my head touched the pillow, I was out like a light bulb.

The sun awoke me as the rays shined through the window. I stretched and got up.

I walked out of the bedroom and Dally was eating something out of a box while watching TV.

"Morning." He said with a mouthful of food.

I grinned. "Morning." I mumbled sitting at the table in the kitchen.

He got up and put the box on the counter. "Alright. I know you're gonna hate me for this. But I have a lot of questions. I wanna know a few things. Starting off with, why didn't you just tell Griffin, or whatever the hell his name is, why you didn't wanna get married?" He asked bluntly.

I raised an eye brow. "Well, he wouldn't listen. He was so angry and rude he didn't care to listen to my side of the story." I said leaning back in the chair.

"Hmm... wonder how that feels." Dallas said wit a grin.

I thought for a second. "Oh... I see where this is going." I said with a small smile. I see whay he's doing. "I'm so sorry. I'm angry at someone for doing the same thing I did. I should have listened to you. Even if I was mad, it gave me no right. So if you ever wanna explain yourself, I'll actually listen this time." I said trying to give him a smile.

"Good. Cause I've been waiting to tell you this for almost five years now." Dallas said with a grin.

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