Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Damien played with my fingers. I laughed and kissed him. I was in one of his shirts in my underwear. Thank god María was off on the weekends cuz this would be a sight to see.


I said trying to start up conversation. He chuckled.

“Did I push you?’

I looked at him confused. His face was serious.

“Did I push you to do this.”

He asked. I looked at him and smiled.

“No you didn’t I wasn’t sure about this at first but I don’t regret it and you didn’t rape me so don’t worry about it. Why are you asking?”

Damien shook his head.

“Well you were so nervous about it. I felt you shaking on the way here. I was gonna just put a movie in and just pretend that María might be coming. So I could give you more time...”

I laughed. He looked at me confused. I cuddled up next to him.

“I pulled you on to  the bed remember.. In order for you to push me into doing it was to force me... I actually forced you... Oh god... I’m a rapest.”

I said playfully and covered my mouth in shock. He laughed.

“You stole my virginity.”

He said playfully. I stopped laughing. I did?

“I did?”

I said echoeing my thoughts. Damien laughed and shook his head.

“I’m sorry but no but I’m guessing I stole yours though.”

He said smiling. My eyes got wide. Not really very flattering. Was I that bad? I looked down and frowned.

“........................Was I really that bad?...”

I asked sadly. Damien laughed. I looked at him confused. Tears started to fall from his eyes. He laughed harder then fell off the bed. A loud thump. I laid across the bed and peaked over the side to look at Damien. He was frolicking on the floor.

“I don’t see how this is funny.”

I said angrily. Damien got up gripping his stomach. He lifted me up. Picking me up and off the bed. I wrapped my legs around him. He held my waist and looked into my eyes.

“I don’t know how to tell you this...”

I looked down sadly. Damien smirked and turned my face toward him.

“You were amazing.”

He kissed me deeply. We both pulled away breathless. 

“I love you..”

I said. Damien smirked and kissed me again.

“I love you too.”

I smirked. We kissed again, his hand going up my shirt. He went to pull it off. I pulled away and smirked and pulled my hands down to his and held them.

“One time a day hott stuff.”

Damien laughed and kissed my forhead and let me back down on my feet. I grabbed my phone.

“We’re not gonna be able to do this when I get famous... We could do i-”

I cut him off.


I yelled and grabbed my phone and my skinnie jeans that were on the floor. I pulled Rob Caballo’s card out of it with his number. I ran into the bathroom of Damien’s room and shut the door. I dialed the number and pulled the phone to my ear. It started to ring. I sighed and put my hand through my hair.

“Please pick up please pick up please”

I heard someone breathing.

“Hello, this is Warner Bro’s Records who may ask are you calling for?”

I smiled.

“Hi this is Leanne Vergis I’d like to talk to Rob Caballo about the band Black December.”

I said trying to keep my voice some what professional.

“Please wait while I put you on hold”

She said.


Elevator like music went through the phone. Damien knocked on the door.

“I’ll be out in a couple minuets.”

Damien opened the door and smirked.

“You forgot. Didn’t you?”

He said. I looked at him ashamed.

“Yeah I did I’m sorry but he’s on the phone right now. I’m sooo sorry.”

Damien laughed.

“It’s fine. Just make sure that you sound like we had lots of other people asking for us make us sound special.”

He said playfully. I laughed and nodded.

“This is Rob.”

I lost my breath at the sound of his voice in the phone.

“Hi it’s Leanne.”

Rob laughed.

“Ahh. My hostess from the party for Black December.”

I laughed.

“Yeah.. Well we wanted to tell you that we could have the meeting and the signing of the contract this weekend or whenever is good for you.”

I said. Rob laughed.

“You are the ones I’m signing its up to you when we meet.”

He said.

“This Saturday at 12 in the afternoon would be great.”

I said. I heard Rob’s breathing on the other end.

“That is great now the adress to the studio is on my card. Can’t wait to see you and the others.”

He said happily.

“Same for us. Thank you bye.”

I said and hung up. I ran out of the bathroom and jumped on to Damiens back.


He laughed.

“We’re going to see him this Saturday at 12.”

Damien laughed.

“And I get attacked because of that?”

I laughed and nodded. I jumped off his back and landed on my feet. Black December was going to change my life.. I could feel it.

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