Chapter 19

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Damien looked over at me.

“What’s wrong? Did I do something?” He asked. I shifted in my seat and shook my head. My mom never even mentioned having a boyfriend. Was she trying to start a new family and forget all about me and her ex husband?

“My mom’s pregnant.. She’s getting married to my new daddy.. She didn’t even tell me she had a boyfriend.. Let alone that she knew my cell phone number.” I growled. I put my foot on the dashboard. I leaned against the window.

“Well maybe you and her could start all over by this... And you’ll get a brother or a sister.. They’d be happy to know there sister is going to be in bright lights.” Damien said smirking. I chuckled. I wondered what they were going to name it... It.. I chuckled. The it was going to be a person.. One thats breathing,eating,drinking, and walking and possibly even talking... This kid was going to get the love from my mother that I never got.

“I just.. I don’t want to get to know her.. She left when I was two.. She broke my dad’s heart and just shattered it. She called me once a year until I was 12 then when me and my dad moved, She convinced him that she would come back. Little did we know that she was on drugs.. She even forced me to have my nana homeschool me. I mean I was happy at my school in Arizona. I was happy.. But when she came she blew it.. Then she left again when I was 13.. Me and my dad moved back because he didn’t want to be in the same state as her and he got a better job... I vowed that I would never look at her or even talk to her again... I don’t want to see her..” I said sadly. Damien shifted in his seat.

“Wow... You never told me that bit of your story..” He said. I nodded.

“Because I didn’t want you to know... My mom is my past.. I don’t want her in my future.. I just got everything I could ever dream of and she’s most likely gonna say.” I scrunched my face and made my voice sqeakey.

“Playing in front of people isn’t safe.. You should be at home.” Damien bursted out laughing. I looked at him.

“What is so funny?” I asked. He looked at me and smirked.

“Your mom can’t stop you from singing.. If she did I’d have you come live with me.. She can’t control you forever.. Your 16 you are going to be a full grown adult soon.. She can’t be this way to you forever.” I smiled.

“I think I’d like to live with you... But if this ever stopped...” I drownded off. The car pulled in to my driveway. Damien put his hand on mine.

“I don’t think if we ever stopped I could be away from you.. i don’t think this will end any time soon. I love you.. Love doesn’t fade quickly..” I beamed and kissed him.

“Your the best... I love you.” I said looking into his eyes. He blushed.

“You want me to come with you?” I thought for a moment. My dad would be crushed. After I comforted him.. Who would be there to comfort me? I nodded.

“Go straight up to my room... I’d be there in a couple minuets... If you don’t want to see and hug me when I’m crying then don’t come...” I said sadly. Damien chuckled.

“I’m your boyfriend smart stuff... I’m supposed to cuddle you and hug you when your sad...” I smirked. I got out of the car. I gulped and looked at the house. I breathed in. Damien came to my side and held my hand tight. We walked in to the doors of my house. I already knew where my dad was. He’d go there whenever him and my mom got in a fight when I was little. Damien kissed my head and went up the stairwell to my room. I sigh’d and walked out to the back yard. I looked at the treehouse. I climbed up the tree and jumped in through the window. Our tree house was like a real house. It had a bed and tv along with a playstation. I then saw my dad. His face in his hands and he was just sitting there on the bed.

“Hey..” I said. He looked up. He smiled weakly.

“Hey sweetheart.” My mind fuzzed at this. He never called me that. It was always hey.. nothing more. I stared at him. He gulped.

“Uh... your mother wants you to call her later.. She has to make the arrangements and everything for her..her...her wedding.. And her bridal shower did ya hear about that?” My dad said. I felt like crying. He never showed it when he was sad or upset.

“She thinks it might be better if you were with her... You’d still be able to sing just.. You’d be living with her.. I can’t...” He drownded off. I stared at him terrified.

“Dad..” I muttered before he interuppted. His face went stiff.

“Don’t dad me, young lady. I don’t need this... I’m gonna go to the ba-.. Im just gonna go out with the guys... I’ll be back later.” I nodded. He jumped down and walked to his car. I felt tears going down my cheeks. I walked to the house slowly. I walked up the stairs. Damien laid on my bed. He held my guitar and strummed. I sat beside him.

“Like it?” I asked. He chuckled and sat it down on the stand.

“You okay?” He asked. I nodded.

“Define okay..” I said. He thought for a moment.

“Hmmm.... In the mixture of happy and sad but just good enough to smile.” He said. I shrugged.

“I don’t feel like smiling....” Damien nodded.

“I could just make you...” He said turning to me and tickling my sides. I screeched.

“Stop.. Damiennn!! Stop my... tummy.... hurts... Please...” I said pleadingly between laughs. He chuckled. He laid back on my bed. I cuddled up beside him.

“Could.. you maybe stay here.. with me..” I asked. I felt like a little kid. Damien chuckled.

“You afraid to sleep by yourself now?” He asked playfully. I nodded.

“Protect me?” i asked. I wasn’t lieing. My dad got violent when he got drunk.. Damien here would prevent that. Damien looked at me. He then noticed I was serious.

“He hit you?!?” I laughed.

“He has before just stay here please?” I asked pleadingly. I didn’t care if I sounded desperate. I wanted to feel safe. I wanted him here.

“Yeah ofcourse.” He said. I nodded. I felt the tears going down my cheeks. I might not be able to do this again. I cried against his chest. I wouldn’t live with her. She could drag me... I had her in my present like I said before but... She was NOT going to be in my future.

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