I Don't Care

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Verse 1: I never gave a shit anymore about politics
Because everyone nowadays are so full of shit
Just now, I saw two blonde bitches carrying a billboard
It said "Fuck Donald Trump" but I could care less about what

People think, I'm just done with Biden on the news
With the Global Bastard existing, I already knew Trump was gonna lose
I'm not saying that I'm against him, it's just I hated it
They just praise the President for all the causes and he created it

All the issues in the world, I just want to leave myself out of it
If there was an election, I'd vote for a candidate and then see myself out of it
All this bullshit about Trump getting shot has got me thinking
What if they get shot instead so I don't have to hear it on the weekend

I always don't talk about it, because I don't know who's on which side
Whether they're on the right side or the bitch side
If they're on the bitch side, I don't want any part of it
And the red team, I just want to be far from it

Anyone who see me differently can go fuck themselves
This is the first and last time they'd hear me talk for themselves
That business, now it just ain't none of my business
I don't want to talk about politics ever again because—

Chorus: I don't care about it all anymore
I'd rather watch Harry Potter than deal with this shit some more
Everyone thinks this is the answer and people like
Everyone else who get involved in that are friends, psyche!

Anyone who see me differently can go to hell
Because I'm my own person, I, me, and myself
I don't care about this anymore I don't want any part of it
You think I'm one of those idiots, I'm far from it!

Verse 2: There used to be a time where you could speak your voice
And try to tell everyone your own decisions and choice
But now it's different, because you can offend people
They could make a religion out of that and I'll burn their steeple

Everyone who are a part of the red or blue team can go to hell
And maybe when it's all said and done, they should make a note to self
"Don't approach Peter on the street to talk politics
Because if I do, he'll give me a good few licks"

And the word "licks", it means I'll kick your ass if you talk politics
I don't give a shit because I don't want to talk about it
Talk to me about it at the bar room
I'll chuck you off the fucking barstool
We'll get into a fight and in it
I'll pass you out with a choke hold and win it

Because that's how smart I can be, and how stupid you can be
Don't talk about it while I'm around, it'll prove how shit you can be
I loathe politics, and I'll fight anyone who says differently
It's a waste of time for me, and I don't want to be anywhere near it, seriously!

I'm a war pig to get rid of all of this crap in my family
And someone outside of my family might not see me as manly
But I don't care, because this is how I feel
And I'm not gonna let this get into my head because I need time to heal

Don't mutter a single word of it because I'm fucking done
I just want the world to be united as one
People who think differently can just fucking die
I shouldn't have to rap this to give people an idea of who am I

Chorus: I don't care about it all anymore
I'd rather watch Harry Potter than deal with this shit some more
Everyone thinks this is the answer and people like
Everyone else who get involved in that are friends, psyche!

Anyone who see me differently can go to hell
Because I'm my own person, I, me, and myself
I don't care about this anymore I don't want any part of it
You think I'm one of those idiots, I'm far from it!

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