Heartless (Karen Crover Diss)

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(A/N: This is not a fun diss, this is a real diss. Her stupid self-righteousness has gotten me to the point that I can't not ignore it. My mom recently changed her last name to her maiden name to Crover and I'm planning on keeping my last name which is Neilson, and I got a bar for that.

Here's the story: the other day, my mom was disrespecting my girlfriend Marie and I for being lazy and not hardworking. Yeah, you heard me. My mom thinks that she was the one who made the call to move to New York and be near her side of the family, but in reality, I made that call because ever since my dad went insane and went off on my family, I was the only one in the family to have the balls and stand up for us.

She really thinks she's exempt from everything in life. Fucking bitch, all she does is go on Facebook and drink red wine and meanwhile, I'm the guy in the trenches. My brothers are looking for jobs but that doesn't mean they're lazy. They do stuff around the house and she takes it all for granted.

Not only that, she's been going off on Marie for not being the right girl for me just because she's average in weight and I was so outraged that no one could tell her to stop. For this one, I'll be putting in facts and harsh words to describe her.

If you think this is a parody of Em's "Killshot", it isn't. This is all my thoughts in a song and I don't want people to see this as a burden to put on their shoulders. This is just a rant in a song.)

So Karen, are you done?

Time for me to talk.

You won't stop talking?

How about I superglue your fucking lips together and maybe you'll stop talking?

Verse: Marie just sent me a nudie pic
She made me wanna sop her up with a biscuit
You need some food? Just to eat in bed?
I'll leave it on the porch, so Grant can get it instead!

Why would I want to be around someone who now despises me?
When I was young and around scary people you were hiding me
I'm a grown ass man and I'm molting out of my shell
You should know by now that I don't you now, hell

You try to break us up over something that made you angry years ago
That was in the past just get over it and stop saying "no"
There has to be a "yes" man in the family and I'm him
But you'd rather take all the credit I've done cause you're full of shit

Mom, mom, momma, momma, momma, ma, ma! Ma! Mum!
Why would you talk to people on Facebook when you don't even know them?
You're with the wrong crowd with all kinds of bullshit
This is why I can't be around you anymore you bitch!

Any time I try to succeed you pull me down
You recommended me for a job I didn't even like and you didn't let me turn it down
You made me suffer, listening to your boring days at work
And I always ask my gf, "Why would I listen to her?"

You were my last resort of venting to when I need you most
Now I have someone in my life where I need her most
She supports me no matter what and you started a fight with her
If Marie was fighting you, I'd be alongside with her

You spit lies because you always make excuses from nothing
You're only a fat bitch trying to prove you are something
You proved it, you are something, here's the proof
You sat your fat ass down at a desk for years but I'm out-working you!

(A/N: It was typical Karen: she always worked at the desk as an Elementary school principal and that was where she would spend every fucking day. She wouldn't leave for meetings or going to the bathroom. If she was an Objectumsexual, she and that desk would've been married by now.)

You talk smart and you think you know everything
But here's reality, when it comes to this day, you don't know anything
This the 21st Century, not the 20th
You got a lot of skeletons in there, and I'm gonna get them

You always cared about your phone more than your kids
You don't ask them if they were okay, when they feel like shit
You only give them fucking codeine, "Uh, this will help"
When it really doesn't because it only helps yourself

That's an example about how cruel you are
Because when I graduated I was going to Be. A. Star
But it never happened because I wasn't able to go that far
Since you get in the way of my success and you take it all

(A/N: The "Be. A. Star" bit is actually something that I wanted to do: I wanted to work with disabled kids who were bullied at my old K-12 school but my mom lied about that happening and I was forced to do boring classes that killed my eagerness to learn.)

Can we just cut the shit and get you back from Mars?
I feel like I don't need to tell you the truth about this at all
Because it's all in the real world and not on Facebook
It has to do with real life and feelings and it's not always about Facebook

All you do is drink wine and be a fat bitch
And I roast better than the times you talk shit
You wear a wifebeater shirt with a lot of coffee stains
While I dress nice knowing that it's going to be good everyday

I blame you and I work because you can't get a job
And with the way I dress you think I probably joined the mob
But they don't exist anymore since the government ceased it
You don't have any proof to land me in jail, and you can't ease it

You ruin your own life and I don't want to be a part of it
Everyone will blame you for all the abuse when I talk of it
So do me a favor, next time you want to cause trouble then
Just let me put my dick in your mouth and you leave my girlfriend out it

Because you know nothing about the love Marie and I have
And you just want to prove as a girl you can be bad
She and I have fun in the bedroom while you go solo
You got some things under the bed, and I don't wanna know

You were named after a soldier while I was named after a Viking
Norse mythology bitch, you should take it as a liking
They're conquerors and my real last name motivates me
To keep working hard and get to the goal I wanna achieve

You'll achieve nothing since you're always on the computer
And I have an idea, instead you can be a commuter
And go somewhere far away from where we are
And maybe go back to the shitty "Sunshine State" named Florida?

You can end your life there and be together with dad again
Because on a scale of one to ten as a mother, you're a negative ten
I hate you so much, you should be hated as well
If you turned out to be dead once there, you can rest in hell!

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