Tony Khan vs Vince McMahon (Rap Battle)

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(A/N: So, with the recent releases of 8 more wrestlers and there were some that I had high hopes that would be used to their fullest potential, but it never happened, so why not write a rap battle that would vent some frustration and actually get my thoughts out?

For those that don't know, write raps like these sometimes, so if you want me to write more of these, let me know!)

~Round 1~

Vince: Imagine a boy, watching wrestling one day
And his father passed down his company one day
I happen to be a businessman, and not a hungover college kid
Because my rhymes against you are gonna be such good shit!

You ain't sports entertainment, we're a worldwide company
We travel around the world while you stay in one country
You're only three years old while we're nearly fifty
And we're so cool, we sold out the first Wrestlemania in a jiffy

We have awards, you have nothing to prove
So why don't you run back to gorilla "dude"
Your product lost to me in 2019, so that's one victory
Because once we rebound in this war, you're history

Tony: Watch out old man, I'll make this quick
I'm gonna make you go bankrupt worse than your friend Trump did
You say you'll make us history, let's see what you got, man
Firing wrestlers over "budget cuts"? You're a Khan-man!

I run a wrestling company to make the product fun again
I'll have Cody Rhodes teach you a lesson about storytelling man
You might have Russo do the work because your matches are so shit
That you have your wrestlers cut promos from corny scripts

The fans know what they want, and I give it to them
You know what YOU want and the fans you give it to them
The product you have now it'll fail so miserably
That your worst wrestling faction can't stack up to the Elite

~Round 2~

Vince: We don't need your pathetic fans, we'll ban them
For instance, wrestlers with attitudes, we'll fire women and men

Tony: You should thank John and Bruce for ruining your company
Because at this point you're dead in the water just someday

~Final Round~

Vince: Enough with your pathetic stupid lies
The only time I'll ever leave my position is when I die
We'll take all the talent and make them megastars
And your guys and girls, they won't make it that far

A Destructor missile is heading your way
You're not gonna live, choose the right words to say
Because if this were a movie, the hero is in the right
And the villain, well, the ending just came and he died!

Tony: Come on, you tried it and they were flops
You should've known better if your favorites failed first, tops
Why don't you just go out of business and leave the wrestling to us
Because we know what the fans want and it's good stuff!

Do me a favor, next time you want to do a pizza commercial
Hire better hackers because we managed get outta trouble
And if you keep being shit, your company will be gone
Because every fan will explode, just like your quads!

AEW don't need to be that sports entertainment bullshit
Because our wrestling's real and it has full hits
Right now, you should rethink about your decisions
Because you should let Shane takeover, and you can be with your grandchildren

(A/N: Who do you think won this rap battle between Vince McMahon and Tony Khan? Let me know!)


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