CHAPTER ONE | Summer Break

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K A T A L I N A   N A I

It's a blessing being allowed to leave the house for two whole months, to be free from your family once and awhile. Because sometimes they can be a bit much.

But at the same time I'm grateful for them. But sometimes they can piss me off. Other then that they're great.

I hop into the drivers' seat of my all black Mercedes, throwing my bags into the back seat. I drive over to Athena's house.

But before I take off I grab my phone plugging it into the aux, I press shuffle. Résumé by Jenevieve plays.

And with that I take off. Bopping my head to the beat of the song.

Where do I start, Athena Rose is a goddess. Not because she's greek but she's my best-friend, my sister from another mother, pretty, and has the brains. All of it, words cannot explain.

She's the smart one out of us two, there's no denying it and if I were to deny it. She'd beat my ass. Not that I have one, but you get it.

I am so grateful for her, she's been by my side for as long as I can remember.

Every summer we rent an airbnb, called the Beach Haven. Our personal favorite, because it's a dual stay.

You and one person rent one side of the house, and two other people rent the other half. You share the kitchen, living-room, etc.

The listing owner doesn't tell you who they are, so you get to guess.

Scary but fun. Trust me.

You never know who could be staying with you. They could be new friends or someone to talk to.

But don't worry our wonderful listing owner she doesn't just list it to people who look creepy and could harm us in anyway.

Lola the person who owns the airbnb is honestly my best-friend as well. She knows we stay every summer, so she reserves the one side for us. Love her.

Speaking of Lola, a notification pops up at the top of my screen.

Lola: Hello Lina, the Beach Haven is all nice and ready for you guys. Have a wonderful stay and a wonderful summer my girls! You'll have company.

I smile at the message. I'll message her in a bit.

I enter Athena's neighborhood, entering the code to her gates. They open.

Pulling up the drive way, I park my car. And grab my phone, responding to Lola telling her thanks. And then I put my phone In my back pocket, stepping outside.

Walking to the front door, I pull out my key. Given to me by Athena's lovely mother. And insert it, twisting and unlocking the door.

"I'm here!" I yell.

I hear heels hitting the marbled floor with each step they take. And around the corner pops out Athena's mom.

"My dear! I came out here as soon as I heard your voice." She pants, grabbing my shoulders pulling me into a hug. "Are you all ready for the trip?"

Embracing her. "I am as a matter of fact. So don't you worry, okay?" I smile. "Wheres Athena?"

"That girl is taking her sweet time, do you want something to eat before you head out?" She says walking over to the kitchen island.

"Paige, I am alright. Thank you though."

"Oh look at you! Finally using my first name instead of 'Mrs.Rose.' Makes me happy." She grabs the vase of flowers, bringing it to the sink to add more water. "It pains me I won't see both of you guys for two whole months."

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