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K A T A L I N A   N A I

Maybe we were meant to meet but not to be - j.b

"How have you been?"

My thoughts run at the sound of the low voice that has a hint of breathiness and worry to it, which is recognized as tired and scared-- I think.

"I've- been good, nothing really." I look out the window seeing the city lights pass by each time, before turning my head to look at Kylo. "You?" I add.

"Same," He swallows, "You wanna get some ice cream?" Is all he says before turning his head back towards the front.

"What?" I ask curiously, my head tilting to a side as I stare at him with confusion.

"Do- you-want- ice- cream, Katalina."

"I do," I slap a hand over my chest. "But you're asking me to go with you?"

"Yeah?" He says in a duh tone. "You want me to drop you off at the curb and go without you?"

I wave a hand back and forth, "No."

"Okay then it's settled."

Pulling up to a local ice cream shop, we both step out. I wrap my arms around myself tighter as the wind blows harshly against my skin. Taking only three steps, a hoodie is thrown in my face. Causing me to jump, I catch the hoodie, looking to my left as Kylo walks towards the door of the shop.

Not bothering to say thanks I quickly slide the hoodie on.

Ice cream during cold weather, the best-- ever.

Upon entering the bell on top of the door rings, as it rings. The cashier smiles giving Kylo and I a friendly smile.

"Ice cream on a cold night?" She smiles.

I return the smile, "Yup!"

She lifts up the glass, "Well what can I get y'all?"

I look at Kylo who still scans the options of ice cream. "Um," Putting a finger against my lips I hum. "Can I get cookies n' cream?"

"Of course, a cup or cone?"

"I'll do a cone."

"One cookies n' cream coming right up."

I turn over glancing at Kylo, "Do you know what you're getting?"

He shakes his head, "Cake batter? Mint Chocolate?"

I cock a brow, "Mint chocolate?"

"What? It's good." He crosses his arm. "And- before you say it, it does not taste like tooth paste."

"Mint chocolate is gross, I don't know how people eat it."

"Oh shut up, I like it, that's all that matters."

"Here you are dear." She says handing me my cone, "And for you, young man?" Hand getting ready to scoop some more ice cream.

Kylo looks over at me, "I'll get mint chocolate."

After getting both of our ice creams, Kylo pays the lady. Not allowing me to pay. He said 'I suggested it, meaning I pay.' Like what ever you say.

We sit inside the ice cream parlor, watching as people walk. Either partying, drinking. I don't know. Just eating our ice cream and not talking.

Kylo breaks the silence, "What did you think of Azariah's date idea for Athena?"

"I thought it was really cute, I did. He's amazing."

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