EPILOGUE 2 | Cherry Blossom Season

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You have a place in my heart no one else could ever have. - f. scott fitzgerald


"Can we pleaseeee, and I mean PLEASE. Go look at cherry blossoms?"

I groan in tiredness. It's eight in the morning and it's Saturday.

Katalina plays with my hair as we lay in bed. Causing me to want to fall into a deeper sleep.

"Bear, it's eight in the morning." I say, my voice groggy. "Can't we wait til later?"

"But Lo! You know cherry blossoms are my favorite and it's cherry blossom season, I want to go see them now."

After what seems like forever I finally sit up and look at Katalina. Who fucking laughs at me.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask confused.

"Hold on," she says in between laughs. Katalina pulls the comforter over her face, her laughs now coming out as snorts. "I can't look at you."

My mouth opens and closes, I turn my body over to grab my phone off of the nightstand and click the camera.

I finally see what she's laughing about. My hair sticks up in random spots like it's really sticking up. And my eyebrow hairs have slightly moved in awkward position.

"Why didn't you tell me." I whine, throwing myself over her and wrapping my arms around her small frame hugging her. "I look funky!"

Katalina doesn't stop laughing so I opt for something else. I tickle her.

"Lo stop! I can't breath." Her laughs fill the room, bouncing off walls. "Okay I'm sorry I should've told you!"

I remove my hands and prop one hand under my head so I can lean on it. Watching as she removes the blanket, letting out a puff of air that hits her hair causing it to fly up and fall back down.


"Yes Lo?" She turns her head  to look at me. Katalina tries to keep a mad face on. "Fucking tickle devil."

Her last comment causes me to chuckle.

I stand up and start to grab some clothes out of the dresser. "I'mma shower and then we can go, sound good?"

I swear when I mentioned that we could go her face lit up. She jumps off of the bed and onto my back, her arms wrapping around my neck.

"Thank you."

"You shouldn't be thanking me, I'd go just for you." I say, closing the drawer. "Plus it's spring anyways, they'll be gone after. Now let go so I can shower and we can leave."

Katalina places one last kiss on my cheek before letting me go.


We pull up to the cherry blossom festival. We walk past the police who guard the entrance. I grab her hand and interwind our fingers together, swinging our hands back and forth.

People have set up shops along the walk way underneath all the cherry trees. Some trees are pinker then others while some are lighter.

Katalina tugs on my arm. "Look! Theres a yellowish cherry blossom." We walk to the tree to stand underneath. "Theres just something about cherry blossoms, I just love them."

I watch in awe as she explains each and every cherry tree. Or how she grabs a branch to lower it to her so she can see it better.

I pull my phone out and take a picture.

"Did you just take a photo?" I'm about to say something but she says something first. "If you did send it to me."

"Of course, I will." Chuckling as I put my phone away. And watch her.

She stares up into the sky, her hands behind her back. As the wind blows her hair to the side, petals fall from the tree and into her hair.

She looks beautiful.

The way the sun hits her skin causing her to glow.

"You have petals in your hair." I say as I try and take some off, but she swats my hand away.

She giggles. "That's the best part, don't touch." Katalina smiles, and that smile just makes my whole world stop.

Her smile is genuine. It's addictive, cute, a drug but most importantly— mine.

"Come on Lo, let's move onto the next tree and then look at some shops!" She waves her hand for me to follow. But I'm so lost in my thoughts she grabs my hand and drags me with her.

We spend our entire day at the cherry blossom festival. Looking at shops and sitting on benches; people watching, enjoying the spring breeze, and just welcoming the new season.

I look over at Katalina who stares at her phone trying to pick out photos to post.

I reach over and point at a picture. "I like that one."

She looks at me. "Are you sure?" I nod. "I couldn't decide which one to do, my hand holding the flower or this other one."

My phone buzzes, I take it out of my pocket and look at the message. "Look Azariah sent us a photo."

I turn the phone so Katalina can see. The photo is of Azariah and Athena on a Farris Wheel.

"They're so cute, send them a photo of us or something."

Scrolling through my camera roll I click on the photo of Katalina looking at the cherry blossoms, and hit send.

I put my arm around her shoulders and pull her closer to me. Allowing her head to rest on my shoulder.

"Was today fun?"

"Yeah, I enjoyed today."

"I'm glad you did."

I stand up and hold out my hand. "Let's get something to eat and head back, yeah?"

Katalina stares at me but takes my head. "Yeah." She stands on her tippy toes and gives me a quick kiss before running away. "Come on! Don't be slow!"

A chuckle escapes my lips.

I love this girl.


A/N: This was just a cute epilogue I wanted to include ( I know it's short haha). Thank you for supporting me!


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