CHAPTER SIX | Driving Myself Insane

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K Y L O   S T O R M

If we kiss it will change everything.

I slam my palms against the steering-wheel, and exhale a deep breath I've been holding in. I can't fucking believe I kissed her, 'Something I've been wanting to do.' Kylo you dick.

A ring vibrates through my ears, I see its Azariah, "Hello?"

"Where are you?"

"Driving around." I reply short.

"Ky you sound, stressed?"

"I am, Riah I gotta go. I'll be back soon alright?"

"You're fucking talking once you get back, the girls left. And Lina, looked sad as shit."

"Your cussing a lot, shut up. And what do you mean leaving?"

"Not that kind of leaving asshole, they went on a picnic. Don't act like you care right now, I know your ass did some shit."

I mutter under my breath 'shit,' "I'll be home soon."

"Yeah shit, we're talking once your home. Alright? Love you Ky." Is all he says before hanging up on me.

Love you too Azariah.

I'm driving myself insane, I can't believe I did that without thinking about what could happen after.

I am so sorry Katalina, I am.

Are you?

I'm just so used to always making a move whenever I see something I want, a girl I want. But you're not just any girl, you're not like the ones who want to get high off of my dick and then leave me.


I don't know, I can just feel it.

But fuck it, I don't care about you.

I absolutely don't fucking care about you.

Keep telling yourself that.

Pulling up the drive-way of the Beach Haven, I see their car is still gone. Meaning they're still out.

I step out, locking the car door. And lean my head back, so it faces towards the sky. Azariah is a kid a heart but can be so fucking serious when he want's to be.

"There you are." He says standing at the door; arms crossed over his chest, hair damp, telling me he just got done showering. "Get your ass inside."

"Yes, sir."

We sit on the creme-colored couch, I rest my arms on the back of the couch. Azariah stares at me, his eyes telling me he has a million questions.

I motion my hand flinging it to the side, "Go on, ask me. I know you want to."

He sighs, "Kylo." He says my name, not 'Ky' not 'Lo-lo.' "I care about Katalina, you know. And before you say some bullshit like 'we just met' I know. I fucking know, but she, and Athena are our new friends." He comments, "Were gonna be here for two months, I gotta care a bit."

"Why are you assuming I did something." I ask.

"Nah you can't play that card with me, our mini conversation over the phone explains every single thing I probably needa know."

My mind goes fuzzy. Get the words out, Kylo. Just tell him, it wouldn't hurt.

"I-" I pause, "I kissed her, there's nothing to it."

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