CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO | One week and Two days

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I don't care how complicated this gets, I still want you.

K A T A L I N A   N A I

Hearing those words from him over and over pains me, yet it calms me.

Kylo is truly one human being I'll never be able to replace no matter how hard I try.

He's my person even if I'm not his.

Before I can even catch myself, I blurt out. "I love you." My mouth drops and I slap my hand over my mouth. Oh my God! I did not just say that out loud. You did...

He stares at me as a smile grows upon his lips. The silence so loud yet so calming. "Did you Katalina just tell me that you love me?"

I bite my lip and slowly nod. "It just came out- no it just felt like the right moment."

Kylo hugs me even tighter, resting his face by my ear. "I love you too."

I smile so big it hurts. But this pain is bearable.

All that matters right now is this moment. I don't care what happens next, I don't wanna know what will happen when we have to leave. I just want to be here with him.

But the thought of us having to leave doesn't brush past me. It sticks because summer's coming to an end.

I caress the back of his neck. "We have to talk with Thena and Zariah, Kylo..."

It takes him a moment to reply but nevertheless he does. "I know. Let's go?" He releases me and holds a hand out as he smiles.


We all sit in the living-room. The sun sets giving the room a calm and relaxing feel.

"So what is it you guys wanted to talk about?" Azariah asks.

"Riah you know what we want to talk about. It's getting colder." I watch as Kylo tries to explain to Azariah who acts dumb but knows what we're trying to get at. "Dumb ass, let go of the actttt." He begs.

"Fine, go on you two." He puts his hand on Athena's knee and rubs his thumb in a circle.

Athena just sits back with no expression but I know she's worried.

"Guys summers coming to an end... And we need to talk about what we're going to do." I say. "I know we live in the same state and all that but we live in different cities and could be going to different colleges. And here's the part where I wanna break the news to you guys." I clamp my hands together, feeling nervous. I haven't even told Kylo this. "I'm not going to BH University."

All of their mouthes drop. Kylo's hand on my leg doesn't move an inch.

"I'm going to Grey."

Athena's brows furrow as she moves Azariah's hand when she shifts in her seat. "No fucking way Lina." She says. "Why?"

"Yeah why?" Kylo repeats. His expression looks hurt.

I've had the decision of going to BH or Grey in my mind for awhile. And I even had the choice to choose which school I would go to. And I chose Grey. Why?

Because they carry different programs than BH, and I feel like it would better suit me. I don't care that BH is number one in our state and Grey comes right behind them.

I knew that it would possibly break friendships or even relationships. But what matters is that I'm doing it for me.

"Because I chose to go there, I want to go there." Everyone looks at me a little less worried. But the pressure is still there. "And I've already toured the campus before summer started. And guys... I love it, it's so different there."

Kylo releases a breath. His hand slowly rubbing my thigh. "Whatever makes you happy and is best for you, I'll support you."

"A two hour drive won't stop me from visiting, Lina bear..." Azariah looks at me with care. "Thena too right?" He looks at her.

"I should feel betrayed that you didn't even tell me, your best-friend. But I understand your choice." She stands up and walks over to me, embracing me in a hug. "I love you."

I mumble an 'I love you' back.

"Anyways, aren't the three of you going to BH?" I poke my head out a little. "You guys will have each other."

"But it isn't the same." Kylo looks at me annoyed. He runs a hand through his hair. "But hey, I'd probably do the same thing if it had better programs and sports for me."

The reaction they gave me was something I thought wouldn't be one of the options I came up with. And I am truly grateful for them. I really am.

This summer was truly one of the best summers I've had.

And most importantly one of the happiest ones.

"I really love you all." My shoulders slump. "Group hug?"

Right as I say that Azariah is the first one to jump up from his seat and enclose me in a bear hug. Leaving the other two to follow right after.

They always say don't go to a college just because your friends are going or if your significant other is going. 'Cause most of the time it doesn't end well. And in this situation I followed my heart and what was best for me. 

I don't care about social status or any status at all to be honest. Both are great. 

But knowing that summers coming to an end. Makes me worry, it makes me scared for what's to come. But it'll be okay, we'll be okay.

I feel like I've built some strong friendships over the duration of this summer. And I feel as these friendships will last a really, really long time.

I didn't live with two other strangers and create friendships for no reason.

Relationships too.

These people are my ride or dies, my lovers, my friends, and my soulmates.

They mean the world to me.

I know we'll find a way to see each other no matter the circumstance. A two hour drive isn't long.

I've learnt so much, from Kylo, Azariah and even Athena. 

I paused and looked around the room. "I'mma miss this place."

Athena slaps my shoulder. "Ow!" I rub my shoulder trying to get rid of the sting.

"You know we'll be here every other break right? Why you saying you're going to miss this place as if you'll never return?"

"What?" I say. "You never know what can happen Thena." I smirk, knowing she'll hit me again.

She pushes my shoulder. "Lina always thinking of the worse and thinks it's a joke." She shakes her head and goes back to sit next to Azariah. She tries to hold back a laugh but fails.

"That's our Lina." Kylo says looking at me with care. He smoothes my hair and puts his arm around me.

One week and two days until summer is over...


A/N: Guys The Other Side is coming to an end. We're at 6.9k? Can you believe that? Holy shit. Thank you so much for 6.9k, I know I always say this but guys really. I didn't think anyone would read this story, it is so cringy. I don't know how you guys do it.

I also didn't proof read and edit this!

Until next time, I'll see you on the other side!

FOLLOW THEIR INSTA: @/beachhavens4

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