CHAPTER EIGHT | Not a Mistake

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K Y L O   S T O R M

"She's standing on the line between giving up and seeing how much more she can take."

Loud music pumps through the walls, bouncing back and forth. People laugh as they talk, some yell over the music.

I walk through the crowd, entering the kitchen. Brushing against others as they dance in the crowed space. Placing the palms of my hand on top of the counter, it sticks to my hand. So I retrieve my hand back.

Grabbing a bottle and pouring it into a red solo cup, a cool beer against the palm of my hand. I take a swig, my lips coated in the wet liquid.

I look around the room to see some already drunk and singing to the song that blasts through the speakers. Random couples making out in the dark corners, the strobe light shining on them every now and then.

Walking over to the living-room with the cup in my hand, I balance on the edge the couch's armrest. Looking around, I don't find the need to talk to anyone. This party is just a distraction.

A group of girls sit across from me, minding their own business. Looking outside people lean against the railing, looking at the beach.

A hand lands on my thigh, I look to my left there sits a girl in the seat next to me. "Oh, sorry. Didn't see you there." She says batting her eyelashes.

"Uh hey." I reply taking another sip.

"My names, Skylar." She retreats her hand and puts it in front of her, I take her hand and shake it.

"Kylo." Skylar smiles.

Skylar has long brown hair, not as pretty as Katalina's. Shut up. Her blue eyes complimenting her hair; freckles spread across her flushed cheeks, lips pink and plump. She wears a black halter-top, light washed jean shorts.

She turns her head towards me, "So, Kylo. What are you doing over here alone?"

"Chilling, and people watching." I reply, "What are you doing, talking to the loner right now? Hm?"

"Oh shush, you aren't a loner. Don't say that." She playfully slaps my free hand.

I give her a faint smile, "Want a sip? I mean not that you'd like it, it's bee-"

"Fuck yeah, let me get a taste." Skylar takes the cup from my hand, placing her lips over the spot mine just were.

I chuckle, taking back the cup after she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. "Are you a local?"

"Yeah, I am." She smiles, "I've been friends with Athena, so she invited me over."

I nod my head in response. "Wanna scoot over, so I can sit?" I tease.

"Shit, sorry." She giggles.

Not the same giggle.

Sliding down, I place my ass on the cushion. Man spreading til my thighs touch her bare ones.

"So tell me about yourself." She comments.

Spinning the cup in my hand, "What do you wanna know?"

"Hm," She thinks, "Play any sports?"

"I do, I play basketball with my friend."

"Oh my god." She gasps. "I do too!"

"Oh for real? Girls ball?"

"Hell yeah, my position is point guard."

"Oh so you good with dribbling? I bet you're good." I grin.

"Stop, you're feeding my ego." She laughs. "What's your position?"

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