CHAPTER SIXTEEN |When The Rain Stops

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He's not perfect, but he's all I want.


It's been a routine. When it isn't raining we go and watch the sun set. But today we opted for the pool.

Kylo said he looked it up and it said that it was a covered pool, but once we got here it was uncovered. I mean I don't mind but I just wanted it to be covered, just in case it were to rain.

But it isn't raining so we'll be fine.

I slap his shoulder. "You said it was covered!"

He cocks his head forward and shrugs his shoulders. "I thought so too, but look I'm confused as well."

I make a random sound and place my stuff on the beach chairs. Laying out my towel and putting my bag on top so that it doesn't fly away.

I don't hear Kylo move or unpack anything instead I hear water being splashed. I slightly move to the side so It doesn't get on me. "Hey!" Laughing I grab the bottom of my hoodie and slowly pull it over my head.

Kylo hasn't said a word so after I fully take off the hoodie I turn around and see Kylo quickly dive underwater.

Weird. What happened?

Brushing it off I slide off my shorts, leaving me in my bathing suit. I throw the hoodie and shorts onto the chair and dive into the water.

As soon as my hands hit the water my body feels like it's turned into ice but only for a few seconds before I fully emerge myself under.

I position myself to sit on the tile floor and hold my breath. Until a pair of hands grab me by the waist to the top.

"What are you doing?" He looks at me with hands still on my waist, my bare skin. I shiver, not because of the breeze that suddenly hits me.

"I was holding my breath? What else?"

He tilts his head to the side and puts his hands back in the water. "Swim with me?"


We swim a couple laps and just talk. Kylo rests his arms on the edge of the pool, stretching his shoulders out. While I'm on the other side of the pool resting my chin on my arms as I watch a bird fly away.

Too focused on the bird, I don't hear the water start to move until I feel warmth behind me. A hot breath hitting my neck. Hands slowly wrapping around the top of my shoulders and a chin landing on them. "Is this okay?"

His voice is soft. "Yeah." I whisper. "I didn't even hear you."

"What's your favorite color?"


"Really?" I turn my head to look at him, our lips inches away.

I nod.

And I swear, I swear he moves his face closer. Just a little.

I don't move, I just watch. I stare into his brown eyes, the sky making them darker than usual. Right now I don't know what to think; his body pressed up against mine, his lips inches away or the look he's giving me.

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