CHAPTER TWO | Beach Haven's Four

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K Y L O    S T O R M

"I caught myself smiling and then I realized I was thinking about you." - Unknown

I watch as the girls disappear into the hallway on the opposite side.

Azariah and I stare at each other. He puts his hands on my shoulder, shaking me.

As he speaks, I can't really hear a single fucking thing he's saying. Because he's shaking the life out of me. But I try and listen.

"Can-- you believe those- are the people were staying with?"

Never in a million years would I ever-- think two beautiful girls would be staying with us. I thought it was just some random couple.

"Yes." I sigh. "And stop shaking me, you're making me feel sick. I might puke up this cookie."

He lets me go, but snatches the cookie out of my hand.

"Hey! That was mine." I push off the chair, reaching towards Azariah. But he runs away towards the living-room.

I forgot how fast he was, who's kidding. We're both on the basketball team.

"Lo-lo come and get it." He wheezes as he jumps over the couch, falling on his ass. "Oh shit."

I jump over the couch and reach forward to grab the cookie, but Azariah stuffs it in his mouth. Crumbs falling onto his lap.

Allowing my back to fall onto the couch. "Oh-- you motherfucker." I cover my eyes with my hands.

But quickly remove them and I jump on top of Azariah, I put my arms around his neck. Putting him in a chokehold. He try's to pry my arm off but isn't successful, he starts kicking like a baby. And then-- he screams.


"You ate my cookie!" Rubbing his hair and messing it up.

I look up to see Katalina or should I say Lina, and Athena walk over. Lina stares in confusion, while Athena walks over and snaps a picture.

"Oh- are you kidding me?" He says glaring at Athena.

I snort and shake my head, releasing him.

He starts to rub his throat. "Ky, what if I wasn't done swallowing the cookie?" He points towards his mouth. "What if I choked from the cookie?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Azariah, you know I would've helped you."

He shakes his head, "And you-" He points at Athena. "Could've helped me."

"Sorry, it was picture worthy." She laughs.

I break the little conversation they have going. "Are you guys ready? Let's head out." I push off the couch and stand.

"Yeah we are, let's go." Katalina comments. "We can just walk down, it's not far."

I nod. And stare at Katalina, I never really took in how gorgeous she looks. The way her brown hair flows down her back, how she smiles, the light makeup she wears and how the bathing suit holds onto her body.

She laughs, "Are you alright?"

I am totally not checking you out, yeah I'm fine, totally. "Uh yeah, sorry." I scratch the back of my neck. "Azariah, Athena. Grab some towels before we leave?"

"I got it!" Azariah yells over his shoulder, grabbing some beach towels from the closet.

⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀

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