Another Day Another 10 Cents

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"Good morning Kevin!" Tina said. As she made her way over to me, she waved to my other coworkers. When she finally reached mine, she brushed her hair out of her face to reveal her elven ears—putting her wizard hat on top of her silver hair—adjusting it, so the tip of the cone-shaped hat stood straight in the air. "You know you should really try and asking the Grand Master Wizard for another promotion. Think about it we can both be Master Customer Service Wizards!"

"That's true, but we both know how Mark is," I said. Tina was only my superior by one rank even though I had been working here an entire century before she came."I may be an Acolyte CS Wizard for the rest of eternity if he has his way."

"No, you can't think that way! If you want me to put in a recommendation, I will gladly; just let me know." Tina said. Even though I was angry when I found out that she got promoted over me, I couldn't stay mad at her forever. She was such a wholesome kid.

The water in my bowl started to ripple, "Looks like a customer is calling. I'll think about your offer and get back to you later. Thank you." I said. She waved goodbye, walking down the aisle to her office. 

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