Enough is Enough

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Handing the request to Tina, I said, "I need a manager's signature for the voucher."

Tina signed at the end of the paper, "Mark just has no idea what he is talking about; you are more than qualified for Master CS Wizard." Tina said, handing me back the paper.

"It's whatever. He probably has some weird vendetta against me," I said, placing the request on my desk.

"No, it's just not right. I'm going to talk to him." Tina said, marching to his office.

Getting off my desk, I walked to the stairs. "You can do that. I'm going to go file this request." When I returned, I looked at Mark's office, and in the window, I could see Tina wiping tears from her eyes. I immediately went over to see what he had said to her.

Knocking on his door, I heard him say, come in. When I opened his door, there he was with that stupid smug grin, legs propped up on the desk leaning back with his hand behind his head. At his feet was the mug I gave him my first decade working for him. On both sides, it said Worlds #1 Boss. "What great timing Kevin. We were just talking about the mug you gave me. Don't you remember it"

"Yeah, you had two arms back then," I said, taking a seat next to Tina.

For a second, the grin turned into a scowl, but then it returned to its original position. "That's right good times. Anyway, Tina came in to fight for your promotion. It turns out she succeeded, but what was the condition again?"

Tina, through her sobbing, spoke up, "It was in order for Kevin to get promoted; I would have to give up my position."

"That's right; there simply isn't any more positions available unless Tina is willing to take a demotion," Mark said.

That scumbag, we both know there is one more open position so Tina wouldn't have to give up her job. How dare he lie to her like this "You know what I'm done with this place." I said.

Mark started to sit up, feet now on the floor, eyebrows starting to crease. "What do you mean you're done, your not...."

"Yes Mark, I'm done. Leaving this horrible place. I hope you spend eternity miserable!" I said, taking off my hat and lighting it on fire.

"Whoa Whoa, Kevin! What are you doing!? We're in a tree! Put that fire out!" Mark panicked, backing away from his desk.

Oh shit, that's right! Quickly I extinguished the flames in my hand until only black ash was left. Looking over, Tina was no longer crying, but now I could only see the relief that she wasn't going to die in a forest. Over at his desk, Mark was still dazed as his chest was rapidly rising and falling. I still wanted to make a flashy exit. So I smacked the mug off his desk. It shattered across the adjacent wall; then I ran out of the office to get my magic broom and fleeing from this 9 to 5 prison.

Now a couple of hundred miles away, I sat on my broom as it glided through the air. With my adrenaline now at normal levels, all I could think was: So, what's next? I gave up on material possessions a century ago, so now I have just have a stockpile of money. Anyone I knew before the call center is either ruling they're a section of the underworld or has long since died. Well, who cares. There's no use worrying about it now; I mean, I have an entire eternity to figure it out.  

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