First Call of the Day

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Turning around, I tapped my wand on the water, and an image started to form in the water. It was an older wizard with a similar hat to mine; instead of standing fully erect on top of his head, it drooped at the top like a deflated tree. "Thank you for calling customer service. How can I help you."

"Hey there, sonny, no offense, but can you get me someone older? I need someone that has worked with brooms over decades to solve my problem." The man said.

"Well, you're just in luck because I'm two hundred twenty. I may only look twenty, but that's a gift of being immortal."

"Oh wow, that's older than me! Yeah, you're more than qualified to help me. Forgive me. I thought you were one of those young whippersnappers that just discovered magic. Anyway, I bought this broom, and it just isn't accepting my magic; I can't even use it to fly. In fact, I've just started to use it to sweep the kitchen."

"I can understand your frustration sir, do you have the model with you."

"Uhh yeah, let me just get it." He said and then walked out of sight of the portal. A moment later, he returned with the broom. "Okay, here it is, the Demon Beamer 5000."

Whoever names these products is getting a bit carried away; they just keep getting even more ridiculous. "Sir, you don't happen to be a Warlock, do you?" I said

"Nope, I'm human in flesh and blood. Why is there a problem?"

"Oh sir, that broom is made only for Warlocks. I'm surprised you're still alive with all the demonic energy that broom produces. For your inconvenience, send the broom back to us, and we will exchange it for an equal value broom, the Sky Blaster 3690." I said, grabbing a notepad and feather pen. "Okay sir, I just need your coordinates, and we can send over the broom right away."

The man gave me his information, then ended the call. 

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