Time to Talk to the Man in the High Castle

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Getting up from my desk, I started to head to the claims department. Inside this massive three-story tree, it held three departments that operated together to try and provide our customers with the best experience possible—Production and Supply at the top, Claims in the middle, and at the bottom is my department Customer Service. After I submitted my request, I went back downstairs to my cubical. On the way, I thought more about what Tina said to me this morning. Maybe it was time to ask Mark again for that promotion. I mean, I don't really have anything to lose.

Back in my department, I walked over to the large Grand Master CS Wizard's office. Knocking the door, I heard a come in and opened the door. "Yo Mark, you got a minute?"

He sat at his desk reading a scroll, "Yeah, what's up, Kevin. I'm just looking at some reports of product complaints. Grab a seat."

In front of his desk were two chairs. I took the seat directly across him. "I want a promotion to Master CS Wizard," I said

This must-have shocked him as he looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Where is this coming from?"

"Come on Mark, don't play dumb with me. You and I both know I'm qualified for the job; I've been here longer than anyone here besides you. Tina has been here for less than five years, and she got the promotion over me."

"Now now you know Little Tina is only fifty; she's just a kid. She isn't gifted like us to be able to live for eons. You should be happy for the mortals that can accomplish so much in their short life spans." Mark said. I remember now; he's jealous that he's immortal but can't regenerate like me. Now that I think about it's kind of funny, this immortal all-powerful being in front of me is missing an eye and arm. "besides, you're not even qualified for the position."

"That's a load of crap Mark, and you know it!" I said. I stood up so fast that the chair flipped and fell on the ground behind me. "Otherwise, you wouldn't count on me to train all the newcomers and the newly promoted Master CS Wizards."

Leaning back in his chair, he put his hand behind his head. "Looks like you're getting aggressive with a superior that will have to go in your file. If I have to reprimand you one more time, you can kiss your chances of being a Master CS Wizard goodbye. Now scurry off, little kitty that bowl isn't going to answer itself."

"Sorry,sir," I said, picking up the chair, returning it to its original position, walkingback to my desk. 

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