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"Everything takes time, you have gotta lose your pride. You have gotta lose your mind, juss to find your peace of mind. You have gotta trust the signs everything will turn out fine"
-Jhene Aiko✨.

||Los Angeles, California📍||
Legend Ariyah Jones✨.

2 months later....

I sat on the toilet starring at the counter waiting for the results to pop up

I waited a few minutes then slowly turned the stick around hoping for the best. When I seen the results that popped up I sighed and sat it back down and picking up my phone

I FaceTimed Kemani and he picked up on the third ring

"Wassup" He said looking up at his game

"Can you come here real quick, I'm in the downstairs bathroom" I said lowly rubbing my temple making him look at the phone

"You good?" He asked

"Just come here please" I said and he hung up the phone

I washed my hands and unlocked the door when I heard his footsteps getting closer to the door

"What's wrong?" He asked when he walked in

I pointed to the pregnancy test on the counter and he picked it up and looked at it

Negative ...

"Again" I sighed and shook my head

"It's okay, We can try again" He kissed me

"But it's not okay, this is the second time it came back negative I'm not understanding. I'm not on birth control or anything anymore, I'm starting to think it's something wrong with me" I said truthfully

For the past few months we've been trying for a baby and everytime I'm feeling symptoms or anything and take a pregnancy test it comes back negative. I'm just so confused on what's going on with me

"Ain't nothing wrong wit you it's prolly me shooting blanks. That just mean it wasn't our time yet, we not gon give up until we get our baby so stop trippin. This was only the second time maybe the third time is the charm" He said and I nodded still not fully believing what he was saying

"Yea I guess so" I mumbled picking up the tests and threw them in the trash can

"And It ain't nun to try again" He smirked smacking my ass and started to kiss my neck making me smile

"Stoppp" I dragged laughing

"Let's go in the room" He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist be instinct and my arms around his neck

"Baby I gotta get ready to go ta work" I looked at him

"Aight let's do a quickie in the shower then" He bargained

"Hurry, Go get my towel" I said getting off of him and starting the shower water

"Bet" He ran out the bathroom going all the way upstairs to get them

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