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"It's like heaven... feels like heaven when i'm with you"

||Los Angeles, California📍||
word count: 14,700

flashback 1 ...

"Hey" The doctor walked into the room seeing Legend sitting on the bed and Kemani sitting in a chair beside her

This was their first ultrasound and they were both happy to finally get to see their miracle baby

"Hi" Legend responded

"I'm doctor Stevens i'll be your Sonographer or in regular words, the person who will be taking your ultrasounds for the next 9 months" she spoke with a tiny chuckle

All the supplies needed to take the ultrasound were all layed on a tray. Doctor Stevens turned on the monitor and grabbed the gel

"Okay can you lift up your shirt for me" She said and Legend did as told looking at the ceiling. She was anxious to see her baby, It's all she's been thinking about since the day she made the doctors appointment

"Okay the gel is a little cold" Doctor Stevens said applying the gel onto her stomach, She flinched at the temperature but eventually got used to it

"It might be harder to see which is completely normal at your first semester of pregnancy" She said reassuring the patients while moving the transducer around her stomach in search for the small fetus

Once the baby was spotted she stopped and smiled

"There's the baby. It's as small as a pea but it's there" The Doctor pointed at the monitor and they looked

"Awww" Legend cooed watching the screen with her bottom lip trembling

Kemani sat there holding Legend's hand with a frown on his face. he didn't see the baby and he was confused on why Legend was crying when they weren't looking at anything but a black and grey screen

"ion see it" He spoke up and Doctor Stevens chuckled a little while Legend stopped crying and stale faced him

"Normal reaction for the first time. You see this tiny white spot? that's the head" She pointed on the screen and Kemani raised his eyebrows when he seen it

"Oh shit" He started smiling

"Did you guys wanna hear the heartbeat?" She asked and Legend nodded her head looking at Kemani who watched the screen intensively

She pressed a button on the monitor and the thumps of the baby's heart sounded throughout the room

"It has a strong heartbeat" The Doctor complimented and Legend smiled nodding at the statement

That was one thing Legend loved about being in the medical field. Anytime she went to the doctor she knew what the doctor was talking about

"Well looking at the size of the fetus i'll say your about 6-8 weeks pregnant. Congratulations" She smiled at the couple

"Thank you"

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