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Y/n is walking out from the convenience store with a bag on her hands when she saw a male sitting on a bench looking so down since she's raised to be kind she walk towards to the boy on the bench and sat down beside him.

"Hi" she said waving awkwardly trying to get his attention, "Are you okay?" She also asked when the boy looked up to her and nodded.

Y/n chuckled a little and offered him some bread that she bought earlier gladly the male accept it. "What's your name?" She asked, "Mitsuya Takashi, how about you?" Mitsuya asked back while enjoying the strawberry bread she gave him.

"Nice to meet you Mitsuya, i'm Y/n L/n just call me Y/n" she gave a sweet smile.

"What are you doing here at this time looking so down?" Y/n asked staring at the lilac haired boy, "I ran away from my home" he answered looking back at the (h/c) haired girl.

"So where are you going?", "I don't know, maybe stay here?" Mitsuya answered.

The (h/c) haired girl stands up in in front of Mitsuya and said "Why don't you stay at my place?", Mitsuya's eyes widened on what she said "But-".

"Don't worry i live alone" she said smiling.

"Let's go" she said and they started walking to go to Y/n's apartment.

"Why do you live alone?" Mitsuya asked, Y/n hummed and answered his question politely "My mom died a year ago and my dad married another women since me and my stepmother don't get along and always fight my dad kicked me out from our house... but it's okay i don't really like my dad tho" and gave a smile.

"Were here" Y/n said and opened her apartment and let Mitsuya in and sat down on the couch while Y/n went to the kitchen to cook dinner.

"Did you ate already?" Y/n asked while cracking the egg, "No not yet, except for the bread you gave me earlier" Mitsuya answered and went to the kitchen watching Y/n while cooking.

"Y/n?", she hummed "Why did you let me stay here, you don't even know me, what if i'm a bad guy?" Y/n chuckled before answering his question.

"My mom said if i see someone whose looking so down or have a problem don't think twice to help them even if i don't know them, and i can see in your face that your not bad" Mitsuya looked at your (e/c) eyes.

After Y/n cooked and prepared, "Mitsuya let's eat" Y/n called to Mitsuya at the table, "Thanks for the food" You both said and started to eat.

After Y/n and Mitsuya ate, Y/n did the dishes and also showered, "Mitsuya?" Y/n said and he hummed, "I will gave you some spare keys so that if you ran away again just come here" Y/n said with a smile and gave him the extra keys, "Thanks Y/n".

"Anyway this is my room and your room is just in front of mine so if you need anything  just knock" Y/n said and went in to her room.

"Goodnight Mitsuya" Y/n said before closing the door, Mitsuya hummed "Goodnight Y/n" he said back and went to the room that Y/n said.



The next day Y/n woke up and smelled something yummy so she quickly got up and brushed her hair and fix her bed before going out, "Good morning" Mitsuya greets to her while he's in the kitchen cooking.

Y/n smiled at him "Good morning Takashi, what are you cooking?" She asked and walk towards to the kitchen and opened her fridge.

"Pancake?, but i don't have some mixtures here", "I went out to buy some" Mitsuya answered while Y/n is watching him cooking.

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