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Its been already a years since that incident happened, and now its the day that you're gonna get married to your first love Mitsuya Takashi.

You become a doctor like your mom and Mitsuya become a fashion designer.

"Congratulations Y/n" Your pregnant bestfriend said on your back, "Thankyou (F/n), your due is this month already i can't wait to see you baby" you said facing on the mirror.

"Y/n darling, its time" Your father called and you stands up wearing the wedding gown that Mitsuya maked you. You hold into your father arms making your way on the car to go on the wedding place which is on the land of Dandelion's where he asked you to be his girlfriend and promised that he will marry you.

"Are you ready Y/n?" Your father asked and you nodded.

The first to march on the red carpet is the frower girls then your bridesmaids then your maid of honor your bestfriend and then you.

You walk slowly with your dad on the red carpet, "Please take care of my only daughter Takashi" Your father said giving your hands into Mitsuya's, "I promise" He answered.

You can feel your tears coming out from your eyes because of happiness to get married on your first love, Mitsuya wiped your tears and you both faced the priest.

"Mitsuya Takashi, do you take Y/n to be your wife?.

"I do" Mitsuya answered. "Y/n L/n, do you take Takashi to be your husband?".

"I do". "Now i will ask you both, do you promise to choose each other every day, to love each other in word and deed?.

"We do" you both answered.

"Do you promise to recognize one other equals, and support one another in your goals and wishes for the future?".

"We do".
"I, Mitsuya Takashi take you L/n Y/n, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better and worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and go cherish; from this day forward until death do us part".

"I, L/n Y/n take you Mitsuya Takazhi, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better and worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and go cherish; from this day forward until death do us part".

"I now pronounce you as husband and wife, you may kiss bride" The priest said and Misuya kissed you lips passionately.

"Congratulations Mitsuya!" Baji yelled clapping his hand and the other guests also clapped.

You both just laughed when you both heard Baji yelled.

At the reception of your wedding. "Now let's see who's getting married next" you announced on the microphone causing all of the girls go in front of you.

You turned around getting ready to throw your bouquet "3, 2, 1" the people countdown and you turned around giving the bouquet to Emma her eyes widened and you turned her around seeing Draken kneeling in front of her.

"Emma will you marry me?" Draken asked, "Yes, yes a thousand times yes" she answered happily.

"Now everyone, may i get your attention again?" Mitsuya said and hold your hands, "Me and my beloved wife are having a baby" he announced and your father went to both of you.

"Wait really im having a grandchild" He said, you both nodded and hugged by your father.

After a few months you're in your delivery, "T-takashi my water broke" you called from the kitchen.

"Okay let's go to the hospital" he said holding the bags and went out to put the bag in the car and came back to bring you to the car.

You both arrived at the hospital and Stella is the one who will assist you to gave birth.

After an hour you gave birth into a beautiful girl and you named it Cara.

"She got you eyes honey" You said while Mitsuya is playing with her little hand, "Thank you for giving me a little child, hon" He said and you smiled.

The door opened seeing your dad, Mitsuya's mom and her sister's.

"Such a beautiful little girl" Your dad said, "She's so cute" Luna said who's now a highschool girl.

"Knock knock" F/n said holding her little baby with Chifuyu and the others.

"So what's her name?" Your dad asked.

"Hi, i'm Cara Mitsuya and i'm already 10 years old my mother is Y/n L/n and my Father is Mitsuya Takashi.

In the end Mitsuya and Y/n end up together and build their own family.

"In the end you are my first and my last love, i love you Mitsuya Takashi and also our daughter".




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