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Night at the festival, "Where do you want to play?" Mitsuya asked, "There let's do some shooting contest" Y/n challenged to Mitsuya.

"Are challenging me?" Mitsuya asked, "Kind of, let's go" She said and grabbed Mitsuya's hands, when someone called Y/n.

"Y/n!" (f/n) called while holding on Chifuyu's hand, Y/n and Mitsuya turned around and dyared at their hands.

"Wait you two are together now?" Y/n asked, Chifuyu and (f/n) nodded, "Thanks for your help my favorite bestfriend" (f/n) said, "did you answered Mitsuya too?" She whispered to Y/n.

Y/n shaked her head, "Ow, why?, Mitsuya don't worry after a week im sure she'll answer you" (f/n) said, and walk away with Chifuyu.

"Bye enjoy you date" (f/n) said.

"Let's go?" Mitsuya zaid and hold Y/n's hands, as you two make your way to do the shooting contest.

Mitsuya hit the three cans while Y/n hit only one, "Oh" Y/n muttered and pouted, Mitsuya laughed at Y/n and put her hands on the top of her head, "It's okay, now let's go the fireworks is going to start" He said.

While watching the fireworks, Mitsuya's phone rings, "Hello Takemichi?" He asked, "okay im on my way" he said and hanged up.

"Y/n we need to go, Draken is in trouble" He said, "Why?, what happened?, i'll come" Y/n said.

"No, you might get hurt" He said, "No, i promise ill stay out of it" You said, gladly he nodded and both went to maked their way to Draken.

They both finally made it to the place, seeing the Moebius gang and Draken and Takemichi.

"Y/n stay here" Mitsuya said about to go there when Y/n grabbed his hand, "Please be safe" Y/n said, "of course i will" He said and smiled at Y/n.

After a while the whole Toman finally arrived, Emma, (F/n) and Hinata went towards to Y/n, "Y/n!" Emma called "Are you okay?" Hinata asked, she nodded "Im fine, nothing happened to me", the four girls watch the two gangs fighting.

When Y/n suddenly saw Takemichi carrying Draken on his back bleeding, "Emma call the ambulance" Y/n said and ran to Takemichi to help him carry Draken.

"Stay here let's wait for the ambulance to come" Y/n said and took out some handkerchief and put it on Draken's.

"Just hold it" Y/n commanded to Emma. Y/n's mom is a doctor so she knows what to do when someone is injured.

While they're waiting for the ambulance, a group of man came, "Kiyomasa" Takemichi said looking at the man carrying a knife.

Kiyomasa stabbed Takemichi's hand, "Hey, aren't you a part of Toman?!" Y/n shouted.

"Shut up young girl!", "Y/n stay out of this, Mitsuya is gonna be ma–" Hinata was cutted off when Y/n moved and kicked Kiyomasa's stomach causing him to dropped the knife.

"Don't shut me up, that's the word i don't want to hear" Y/n said and grabbed the knife and gave it to Draken incase they will use it again.

"I see you're weak, using knife to win" Y/n said and smiled, "Your pissing me off, let's finish this up, i don't care if your a girl" He said.

After a while, Takemichi and Y/n finished the fight and the Ambulance also arrived getting Dralen and took to the hospital.

The fight between Toman and Moebius also done, Mitsuya went to Y/n, "Y/n!" He called.

"Mitsuya, are you okay?" You asked and he nodded, "What about you?" He returned the question.

"Yeah, let's go to the hospital" Y/n said and they both went to his bike.

Y/n and Mitsuya arrived at the hospital seeing Emma, Hinata and the others waiting at the waiting area.

Y/n sat down beside (f/n). After a long wait a doctor came out from the room, Emma quickly stands up and went to the doctor.

"He's safe now, no need to worry he just need some rest" The doctor said and came close to Y/n.

"Y/n how are you, long time no see?" The doctor asked Y/n. The doctor's know Y/n because her mom worked there before.

"Hi auntie, im fine, how about you?" She returned the question, "Im fine, still busy as always" The doctor stared at the lilac haired beside Y/n and smiled.

"Boyfriend?, good taste Y/n" The female doctor said smiling at the (h/c) haired girl.

"Im going now i still have many patients", "You kids too", the doctor walk away then Mikey walk in.

"Is Ken-chin alright?" He asked, "the doctor said he okay no, he just need a little rest" Emma said.

"We should go home for now Mikey" Emma said, Mikey nodded, "I'll stay here for a little bit you should go home now" He said and all of them started to leave.

"Y/n thank you" Mikey said, Y/n smiled and walk away with Mitsuya.

"Let's go to my place, i'll treat your wounds" Y/n said.

The two teenagers both reached Y/n's place, "Sit down, right there, im going to get the first aid kit" Y/n said, and walk away while Mitsuya is smiling while watching her walk away.

"You will be a great wife to me" He teased while Y/n is treating his wound, Y/n chuckled and said "Really, i would?"
Mitsuya nodded and kissed her hand causing the (h/c) haired girl to blush.

"Can i stay here tonight?, im tired to go home", "Of course you can, well you have your clothes here, i washed it" She said, and fixed all the first aid kit.

"Im going to shower" Y/n said incase Mitsuya need her, Mitsuya nodded and went to the kitchen to cook some dinner.

After you took a shower, Mitsuya is already done cooking and he already prepared the table, "He's a husband material" she mumbled from the corner before going to the table.

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