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'' That's not fair, you told me you were coming over so I cancelled my plans '' I was pissed

'' I'm sorry, but something happend and I need to go see jazmine tonight '' he told me 

'' go towmorrow '' 

'' no '' 

'' you've been doing this way too often... bloody hell '' 


'' she's..she's your what? '' I was confused we were still very close and he usually tells me everything why didn't he tell me about her. 

'' she's my girlfriend. '' he shrugs.

'' ok '' I was hurt but I couldn't understand why ....

 The day he told me he had a girlfriend was the day our friendship started to fade. He wasn't there for me anymore even when I needed him. Jazmine took my place and after a while I was okay with that, she was really nice girl. She wasn't your normal kind of pretty and that's why I liked her. She had long light brown hair and big blue eye that were hidden behind big chunky glasses. She very little curves and was  awkward but, she was outgoing and bubbly thing I wasn't and that probably what attracted Louis to her. Everytime I would see Louis she was stuck to his side. They were together for almost 6months when ...


'' it's not that bad. calm down '' 

'' CALM DOWN , your an ass '' I spat 

'' you're a bitch '' he turned and walked away. I felt tears burn my eyes but I was in the middle of the hallway and I never let anyone see me cry. Ever. I was the girl that always had a shy smile on her face and didn't let anything hurt her or at least that what it seemed. Only one person knew the real me and he probably didn't like it because he didn't stay to know anymore... 

'' your friends with louis? '' My friend Jessica asked. 

'' was ... '' I mutter

'' oh my god, did you know that he cheated ... '' 

'' YES I KNOW '' I pratically yelled, that's all I have been hearing for almost a week and everytime I woud think of it I would think of the fight we had. 

'' let me finish, he cheated on her twice maybe more '' 

'' does she know? '' This was probably a stupid question to ask because the whole school knew and Jessica was one her good friends so she probably told her. 

'' no ... '' 

'' you didn't tell her? '' Should she? Yes, she should he cheated more than once it wasn't a mistake.

'' no but ... i'm going to tell her today I need your help she gonna be crushed '' giving me puppy dog eyes. 

'' no way in hell '' 

'' please, common '' 

'' nop '' 

'' I'll bring you to nandos '' she grinned 

'' urgh fine......  '' 

'' Jazmine! '' Jessica yelled when she saw her in the hallway later that day.

'' Hey jess, tori '' she smiles at us 

'' umm we need to talk to you  '' I say looking at my feet. Why did I agree to this ? 

How come she's so afraid of falling in love? [ Louis Tomlinson & Niall Horan ]Where stories live. Discover now