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It's been three days since I sent that tweet. Everyone of the boys have tried calling and texting me. At the end of the first day, I just turned my phone off completely. They called Jessica's phone many times but she would hang up on them. I haven't been on Tumblr or on the computer because I don't want to see thoses photos. I don't want to see Niall.  They weren't kidding when peoples say there is a very thin line between Hate and Love. Before the incident my love for Niall grew everyday but now evreyday that passes I feel a burning sensation in the bottom of my stomach pure hatred for that boy. Cheating is bad enough, be lied too is even worse and to make things even worse add that the whole world knows you're biggest regret. 

'' Are you going talk to him eventually? '' Jessica asks me 

'' No. '' 

'' why? Don't you want to hear him out. '' 

'' No I want to forget about Niall Horan. I want to forget my feelings for him, my love .... '' by the end of the sentence I was sobbing.

A week has passed, I haven't been to school because I feel really nauseous all the time. I had just gone to bed one night but I had terrible pain slash threw my abdomin making me scream and than I was overcame with a wave of nausea and vomitted some blood. My mother called 911 and that's all I remember from that night.  I had a bleeding ulcere in my stomach so they had to operate right away. Evreything went fine during the operation and when I woke I was drugged up on morphine. I didn't feel pain. I was in and out completely dazed for a couple days but I heard every conversation. 

'' hey babe '' It was my mom. She was sobbing and holding my hand tightly because I felt pressure on it. 

'' I'm so sorry. I should have brought you sooner '' she cried. I so badly wanted to comfort her but of course I couldn't.

'' tooootoooooo '' Jessica, always called me tooto it was her cute nickname for me. 

'' please wake up soon because I am going crazy and I hate hospitals the food sucks and the peoples stink. '' If I could, I would have laughed. 

'' love. '' said an irish accent. I wish I could've woke up just to slap him for calling me love. 

'' I-i can't believe your here. babe I didn't cheeeeat on you. This all my fault. '' He cried. my heart broke, he sounded so bad. I felt my hand being pick up and something made it tingle i'm guessing he kissed my hand. 

'' I love you Victoria Roberts.'' He said sobbing. I dozed off into the oblivion not wanting to hear anymore. When I woke up I heard the unmistakable Doncaster accent. Louis. I wanted to smile. I felt my heart beating faster. I listened to the conversation.

'' I love her mate, I can't believe Niall did this too her '' He was mad. I wanted to say Niall didn't do this to me it was a fucking stomach ulcere but as much as I tried to open my eyes and talk nothing worked.

'' Niall didn't do this to her, Stress did Lou. '' Harry Cheshire accent rang threw my ears. I don't actually know what causes Ulcere but I guess it's stress. I'll find out when I wake up.

'' I know but the whole Niall thing probably pushed her over the edge. I'm just so fucking mad. I can't go near him. '' He spat 

'' I know lou ... '' 

'' I m-miss her '' 

'' We all do '' 

'' No you don't understand I need her. I love her mate '' 

'' Oh I know '' 

'' You do? '' 

'' I've known since XFactor BootCamp '' I could almost hear his grin.

How come she's so afraid of falling in love? [ Louis Tomlinson & Niall Horan ]Where stories live. Discover now