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I walked into the school my backpack in one hand and my lunch box in the other. I was 10 years old. I spoke fluent french and very little english. My world had been completely flip upside down and I had to deal with it. I walked into to class room and sat at the desk in the back of the class. I was early so there were only a couple of students that had arrived. They all gave me strange looks. I gulp and look down at my desk. I heard someone sit down beside me but I didn't look up. 

'' Hi, I'm Louis Tomlinson! '' He said to me. I looked up at the little boy with light brown hair that had some blonde reflex to it probably from the sun. His eyes were ice blue and they made me think of home. 

'' Eh... Hello Victoria Roberts '' I say with a shy smile 

'' First day? ''

'' oui.. hmm yes! '' I blushed. I have to get used to speaking english.

'' you have an accent, I like it '' He said to me with a satisfied grin. 

'' I don't have an accent? '' I blurt. I knew very well I had one but for some reason I wanted him to keep talking to me and he did. We became friends almost instantly and he introduce me to alot of peoples as well. My english was getting better and my life was slowly getting back to normal.

'' ok today were going to learn about ..... '' I heard the teacher say but I had my head on my desk and my eyes were shut. My mind was thinking about last night. We moved to Doncaster, London because my mother had a new boyfriend. My mother and father had split up when I was young,  thank god. They would always fight, I always lived with her and had a good relationship with her but my dad on the other hand alway came and left he never really had permenant spot in my life. I never got to know if it was his choice or my mother but I know that if it was her's there was probably a good reason for him to stay away. My mom had a couple of boyfriends here and there nothing became very serious and they all ended up leaving and my mom deserved better.We were on a family vacation when she met Oliver owned a local bussiness. My mom fell in love and a couple months later we packed up are whole life in Canada to move in with him. I left my friends and family for her happiness and I was completely fine with it but, it's been almost three years we have been here and things have been a bit rocky. They fight a lot and it keeps me up at night, not only that but my mom has been crying a lot. 

'' toooori .. common it's luch ''  Louis whisperd in my ear waking me up from my thoughts. 

'' huh? already ''  I was speaking english pretty well, but I still had a very strong french accent. 

'' you look tired.. '' Louis commented 

'' I am, exhausted ! '' I replied

'' Well just think in three day we will be on summer vacation and than it's high school, love '' he replied with a smirk. 

We spent most of that summer together. I lived in walking distance of the beach and he came over every sunny day to enjoy it with me. We never had anything romantic between us we were just best friend.

We were at the beach and it was the week before school started, I  was biting my lip and looking at the sky thinking of high school.

'' Nothing going to change you know '' Louis said looking at me with a smile but it wasn't reaching his eyes 

'' how do you know ? '' I asked sitting up and pushing some sand with my feet. 

'' because we are not going to change, your stuck with me '' He said

I rolled my eyes and laid back on the blanket slowly drifting off to sleep. 

How come she's so afraid of falling in love? [ Louis Tomlinson & Niall Horan ]Where stories live. Discover now