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Bella walked downstairs. She saw her mum and grinned. "You know,  you can say you got one child through uni. And that I didn't drop out," she said.

Karen rolled her eyes. "Yeah alright. You don't have to rub it in that your older brother dropped out," she told her.

Bella grinned. "I knew there was a reason I was your favourite."

"Do you need a lift to work? Or is my favourite daughter too above herself?" Karen asked as she looked at her.

Bella nodded and smiled. "Thanks mum. Have you even heard from Ross since he went awol?" She asked.

Karen sighed. "No. He'll get in touch. When he wants something.  He always does. But come on. Waterloo Road waits," she said.


Karen dropped Bella off at the school. She smiled. "Have a good day darling. I'll see you later," she said.

"Bye mum."

Bella watched as her mum drove off. She walked into the school. Tom walked towards her. "You okay?" He asked as she nodded. Tom smiled. "Max is here today. Hasn't gotten any meetings apparently."

Bella nodded. "I'm sure I'll see him at some point today. Just cause we've hooked up a couple times, doesn't mean we're anything official."

Tom sighed. "Be careful with him Bella. He's... he's been known to use people," he said.

Bella rolled her eyes. "I'm fine. He's fine. It's like everyone has it in for him," she said as she walked off.


Bella sat in the staffroom. She looked up as Max walked in. He smiled. "Hey. Was shocked when I didn't see you in the office this morning," he said.

Bella nodded. "Yeah. Well. We're not anything official are we? Only had sex a couple times," she said.

Max smirked. "Well you mean more to me than just sex. So I was thinking, why don't we go out this weekend? My treat."

Bella grinned as she looked to him. "Max Tyler. Are you asking me on a date?"

Max nodded. "I am. You up for it? I know a cute little restaurant that we could go to. And then we can go to a hotel. Or we could go back to my place," he said.

"I'll think about it."


Tom knew Max Tyler. And he knew Max was using Bella. But he didn't know why he was using Bella. Tom cared a lot about Bella. And he didn't want her to get hurt.

Tom knew what Bella had been through in the past. And he didn't want that for her again. Especially at the hands of Max Tyler.

Tom walked over to Bella. He smiled. "I heard he asked you out. Be careful. He's... he's dangerous. He's not to be trusted."

Bella rolled her eyes. "I think I'm old enough to make my own decisions. And I'm sick of everyone getting on Max's back. Leave him alone. We all make mistakes in life. I know that better than anyone. So back off and leave him alone."

Tom sighed. "I care about you Bella. And I don't want him hurting you."

"And if he hurts me, it'll be my own fault. But he won't. Okay?"

Tom said nothing as Bella walked off. But could he make her see Max was only using her? Or would she become blinded by love?

Blind By Love | M.Tyler Where stories live. Discover now