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Bella walked into the kitchen and saw Karen and smiled. Bella knew that things were complicated with Max.

She knew that he didn't treat her the best. But she knew that what they had was hard. And it was complicated. But she did believe that they had a future.

Bella looked to Karen and frowned. "What's up mum?" Bella asked.

Karen looked to her daughter and smiled. "Lexie happened. She's been kicked out of her school and she's coming back," Karen said.

Bella looked to her and smiled. "What has she been up too?" Bella asked.

Karen sighed. "Fighting. Getting in trouble the usual. So I am enrolling her in at Waterloo road and I am going to pick her up after work," Karen said.

Bella looked to her and smiled. "It will be okay. I know what it's hard. But Lexie is just acting out like I did," Bella said

Karen looked to her and smiled. "I wish it was how you were Bella. You were an angel compared to your sister. But she is going to wish that she never got in any trouble and came home," Karen said as Bella looked to her and smiled.


Bella got to work and stood in the staffroom and smirked as she saw Max as he walked in.

He walked over to her and grabbed her waist and pulled her close. He kissed her. "We can't not in here Max," she said as he ran his hands up her waist. He pulled her to him so that she was looking at him.

Max looked to her and smirked. "It wouldn't be the first time," Max said as Bella smirked. He lifted her onto the bench top.

She moaned against his touch as she undid his belt. She smirked as she pulled him to her. He pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move on and out of her.

Bella pulled her to him and moaned. She felt herself reach her high as he followed her and smirked.

She felt herself reach her high as he followed her and smirked. "Why do I feel like you only want me for sex?" Bella asked.

Max looked to her and frowned. They stood redressing. "Don't be stupid Bella. I don't want you for that. You mean more to me then that," Max said as Bella smiled.

She wanted to believe him. But part of her didnt


Bella sat in her classroom and sighed. Her head was a mess over Max and how cheap he made her feel.

She knew that her family was a mess too. Bella looked as Tom walked in and smiled.

Tom cared for Bella. And he acted how Max treated her. "Are you okay?" Tom asked.

  Bella sighed. "No not really. It's just all a big mess. you know?" Bella said as Tom walked over to her and hugged her.

Bella knew how complicated things were. But she had no idea how complicated it was about to become as Lexie returned.

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