Every Last One: Attack On Titan

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Eren lay on the ground, exhausted. What was left of the grass that had once been lush and green was now black and strewn with the bodies of those brave enough to fight the Titans. Jean, Petra, Levi; their skin pale and faces frozen in horror. They all had sacrificed so much for the sake of mankind, for the sake of freedom, and yet they couldn't be here to see it. It was enough to bring Eren to tears. Except it didn't. Eren wasn't baffled, though. He knew why the tears hadn't come.
He still had a job to do. His mission was to kill every last Titan, and they had. At least, every enemy Titan. After the Titans breached Wall Rose, he and Mikasa had started a raid, hunting the Titans and destroying them all. It had taken a long time. How long, Eren didn't know; a year? Two? He'd lost track after a month. Finally, though, all the Titans were gone. Except for one.
"Eren!" A voice called, penetrating his thoughts. "Eren, where are you?" Again, the voice called out, desperation tinged with sadness.
"Eren! There you are!" The voice, now identified as Mikasa, was growing nearer. Twenty feet. Eighteen feet, all the while calling for Eren to wake.
"Eren! Mikasa!" Another voice joined that of Mikasa's. Armin.
He was running towards the duo, now together on the grass. As Armin skidded to a halt and collapsed to his knees at Mikasa's side, Eren sat up. A breath of relief escaped from Mikasa, glad that Eren was still alive. Eren, however, was nowhere near relieved, nor would he ever be; until, that is, every last Titan was gone.
"Eren," Armin stammered, "Thank God you're okay. I- we- we thought you were dead."
"I'm alright," Eren murmured, picking at the blackened grass beneath his feet.
"We did it," Armin said. "We finally beat the Titans!" He was smiling now, blue eyes sparkling with joy. A soft smile forged it's way to Mikasa's face, never growing, but just as happy all the same. Nevertheless, Eren remained mournful.
"No," he murmured, looking at the the ground. "We haven't defeated the Titans. Not yet."
Heads turned Erens way.
"Eren, what do you mean?" Armin asked, brows creased. "We killed all the Titans. Mankind is free."
"No," Eren repeated. "We haven't. There's still one left."
"What? Where is it?"
Eren looked up. The terrain around him was black, the carnage stretching as far as the eye could see. Bodies, weapons, piles of charred wood, smoke permeating the air. The city was miles away.
Next to Eren lay a broken sword, jagged edge coated in red, dropped by a fallen soldier. He picked it up tentatively. Mikasa's eyes steeled.
"Eren, you can't-"
"No," he said. "I have to do this. You knew from the beginning that my mission was to kill every Titan. I have to avenge Mom."
"Eren, Mom would never forgive you if she knew what you were doing. You can't do this!"
"Maybe," he said. "Maybe she will hate me. Maybe she won't. Either way, it has to be done, lest it bring back the others."
"Eren," she said," you can't do this. Please. It's just one Titan. What harm could it possibly do? Especially when it's on our side?"
"It's on our side now," he said, "but what about tomorrow? Or the next day? It's too unpredictable, and I can't put you guys in danger. I've already hurt you once. I don't wanna do it again."
Eren raised the sword.
"Mikasa, you've been a great sister. Live a long, happy, life, and forgt all about the Titans. Don't love in fear anymore. It's no longer kill or be killed."
She looked away, tears trailing down her cheeks.
"Armin," he said. "You're the greatest friend a guy could ask for. Sure, you're not the strongest, but are the smartest and most loyal person I know. Thank you." Eren smiled now.
"Tell me what the sea looks like, will you? Next time we meet."
"No! I won't do it! I won't see the ocean without you! You promised me we'd see it together!" Armin was weeping, sobs wracking his body. Mikasa remained looking the other way, over the ashen fields.
Erens smile turned grim.
"Goodbye guys."
As Armin reached out with a cry to stop him, Eren turned the sword towards himself and pierced his heart, destroying any chance the Titans had of ever coming back.

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