Until Then: Alois x Reader

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Requested by benjis_bae . This is way overdo and I'm really sorry for taking so long, but you can't hate me so it's okay. You're stuck with me.

You had never been a fan of dancing. You found it tedious and, quite frankly, a waste of time; hence the reason you were not enjoying your night. Your parents, the esteemed heads of the (L/n) household, were hosting a huge ball for your sixteenth birthday, and adamantly dismissed your wishes for a quaint celebration. "Our only daughter deserves nothing but the best for her big day," your mother had said. They probably just want to find a lord to marry me off to, you thought rancorously.

While the majority of the attendees were happily milling about in merriment and/or prominence, you opted to confine yourself to a shadowy corner. Extravagantly clothed blue-bloods sauntered about around you, chatting and dancing amongst themselves. The ball had started at seven (one hour ago, to be precise), and was due to last until midnight. So far, you had done a fair job at avoiding the aristocrats that were milling around your home, but you weren't sure you could keep it up for much longer. Your mother would come for you sooner or later.

As the night carried on and another hour passed, your predictions came true; your mother had come looking for you. You could see her petite frame weaving through the crowd, chestnut hair bouncing in its intricate braid. Finally, she pulled herself free of the throng and approached you, emerald dress glinting radiantly in the light from the chandelier.

"(Y/n), where have you been?" she asked, pulling you into a fleeting embrace before pulling back. "I've been looking for you all night."

"My apologies, Mother, but I'm not exactly cut out for parties," you replied dejectedly, sighing and leaning back against the intricately decorated wall behind you. You were incredibly tired, and the pouffy (f/c) dress, precarious heels, and long (h/c) hair pinned atop your head were only making things worse. All you wanted to do was sleep.

"Nonsense!" Your mother chided affably. "Of course you're cut out for parties; you're a lady!" She smiled obliviously at you, clearly not seeing your growing exhaustion. "Now," she stated more firmly, "we need to get down to business. There's someone here who'd like to meet you." She turned around and gestured for someone to step forward. "I present to you Alois, the Earl of Trancy."

Out of the multitude of people stepped a young man that looked to be about your age. His hair was pale and blonde, almost covering his enticing sky blue eyes, and his lips were upturned in a slight smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my lady." He spoke sweetly, then threw back his purple tailcoat and bowed, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles gently. You curtsied and smiled back, still retaining the desire to be sleeping soundly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, sir Trancy," you replied. He smiled.

"Please, call me Alois."

"Of course. It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Alois."

You looked to your mother for guidance on what to do next, only to find that she had slipped away while you were introducing yourselves. Damn that woman, you thought. I knew she was trying to set me up.

"It seems my mother has left," you stated, not entirely sure as to what you should do next.

"Indeed, it seems she has," he replied wistfully.

The next few minutes were spent in an awkward silence, each of you lost in your own thoughts. After what felt like an eternity, Alois turned and spoke.

"Would you care to dance, m'lady?" he asked hesitantly, holding out his hand for you to take hold of.

"I'd love to," you replied kindly, grasping his hand and following him into the throng of people in the center of the grand ballroom. The orchestra had just begun to play a new piece and, gingerly placing his left hand on your waist, Alois led you in a waltz that seamlessly followed the music flowing about.

As you danced with Alois, the night seemed to slip away, flying by like the sand beneath a travelers feet. Time and space became nothing but a haphazard excuse for existence and, in that moment, you became lost in the infinite tunnel of mindless being. It seemed as though nothing was real, and left you questioning whether anything existed at all, or if reality was nothing but a fabrication of the human mind to explain that which could not be explained.

When you finally awoke from your reverie, you were disorientated, and left wondering just how long the two of you had danced. You glanced at the ornate clock fastened to the wall, only to find that it was eleven fifty. It was when you turned back to Alois to point out that you had been dancing for over two hours that he reluctantly let go of your hand and stepped back.

"I'm afraid I must be going, lady (l/n)," he said. "I truly enjoyed your company tonight, and hope that we can spend more time together in the future. Until then, I leave you with this goodbye." He stepped forward and kissed your cheek gently before bowing and striding away.

You stood there, frozen. Slowly, you lifted your hand to where his lips had been, blushing slightly. Still, you smiled slightly, marveling at the surreality of it all.

"Until then, Alois."

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