Dance: Yuki Cross x Zero Kiryu

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Requested by Fanfic_Life

It was the dance that everyone had been waiting for. My class had scored the lowest on the exam so we had  to work, but I didn't care. Kaname would be there.

He had sent me a beautiful dress, requesting that I wear it tonight. It was pink and, what's the word in looking for? Flowery? No. Flouncy? Yeah, that's it. It was pink and flouncy; very pretty. But when I walked into the ballroom, Kaname wasn't there.

I scanned the area and looked for familiar faces. Aido was dancing with Yori and Ichijo was conversing with  Akatsuki. Still no Kaname. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of white. It was Zero, leaning against the wall glumly. Of course.

"Zero! You there?" I asked. He tilted his head downward, finally acknowledging my presence.

"Yuki. What do you want?" Wow. Talk about cold.

"Zero, you don't have to continually watch the vampires. You could enjoy yourself once once in a while." I looked at him pointedly.

"Yes, I do, Yuki. I'm a vampire hunter. It's my job," he replied exasperatedly.

"Come on, you can still have some fun once in a while," I said said. He glared at me. Grabbing his hand, I giggled and pulled him into the crowd. "Let's dance!"

All Zero did was stand limply while I dragged him onto the dance floor as the string quartet began playing waltz music. He held my waist with his left hand as his right hand held my left, all the while glaring at me with thise violet eyes. We began dancing, moving right, then back, then left, then forward, drifting in a circle. Soon, his glare softened, and a smile broke through his once stone cold expression.

I'm still not entirely sure how long we danced, only that it was a while. As the night neared its end, they played one last waltz. Zero and I swayed to the music, perfectly in sync with with one another. As the last few notes were being played and the tune was slowing, Zero leaned down and kissed me. I was shocked at first, but it faded and I soon found myself returning the kiss. His lips were soft, caressing mine lovingly. Pulling away, his violet eyes bore into mine. Then he leaned in again. I expected him to kiss me, but he headed toward my ear instead.

"Yuki," he murmured. I felt my cheeks flare up. "Will you go out with me?" I smiled then.

"I'd love to."

Zero smiled and walked away.

Zero's POV

I smiled and walked away from Yuki. The dance was over now, so everybody was filing out, chatting away with their friends and dates. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a staph of red. I turned and saw that it was Kaname, eyes flashing dangerously. I smirked and walked right past him. She's not yours anymore.

I'm sorry it's so short, but I felt I owed it to you guys to write something. As you already know, Fanfic_Life requested this one shot, so I hope you liked it. Before I go, I'd also like to apologize for being gone for so long. My phone broke and I have to wait a long time to get a new one. I'm using my dads right now. I'm not gonna be able to update a lot right now, but I promise that I'll write as much as I can and update whenever I get the chance. Thanks for being patient.

- Zero Gray

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