Soul Can't Dance: Soul x Maka

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"C'mon Soul, it'll be fun!"

The DWMA was having a prom, and Maka had just received word of it via Liz and Patty. She was trying to convince Soul to go with her. Soul looked at Maka from his seat on the couch, glaring and shaking his head.

"Not happening," he said, turning back to look at the TV. Maka tutted and walked up behind him, resting her arms on the back of the couch.

"Why not? It's gonna be so fun! It'll be nice to get out of the house for a while, and we can hang out with our friends while we're at it." Soul continued watching the TV as he spoke.

"Because it's a dance, which means there's gonna be, you guessed it, dancing." His voice essentially screamed "duh," as if it was the easiest thing to understand. Maka tilted her head to look at his face.

"So? What's so wrong with that?"

"What's wrong with it," he began as he turned towards her, "is that I can't dance, and I'm not embarrassing myself at some stupid school dance." He huffed and turned back to the TV, signaling that the conversation was over.

Maka sighed and walked to her room, yelling behind her that they'd continue the conversation later. When she arrived in her room, she closed her door and headed to her desk to finish up her homework for the night. She wanted as much time as possible to prepare for the dance.

The next day, it was announced that classes were cancelled for the rest of the week in order to enlist the students help in setting up for the dance. That day, Maka, Tsubaki, Death The Kid, Liz, and Patty volunteered to help. Maka was glad to have her friends with her, if only so she could ask for advice about Soul.

As it was the first day, there wasn't much building to do, since it all needed to be planned out. Kid wanted to do most of the work anyways. His need for symmetry was alarming, but they weren't complaining. While Kid pondered over ideas, Maka sat beside the girls.

"Hey Maka," Tsubaki said, smilnig warmly at her.

"Hey Tsubaki. Hi guys," she greeted the others.

"Hi Maka," they echoed. They sat for a few minutes, doing their own things. Liz and Patty were in the midst of a conversation, Tsubaki was reading a book, and Maka sat in silence trying to plan out her question. When she'd planned out what to say, she turned to face the others.

"Can I ask you guys a question?" she asked. They nodded, and she continued. "I'm trying to convince Soul to come to the dance, but he keeps refusing. He says he can't dance, and that he doesn't wanna embarrass himself. How do I convince him to come?"

They thought for a moment, then returned their attention back to Maka. Tsubaki shrugged. Based on what she could see, there was no peaceful resolution to this problem. She'd rather leave that to Liz and Patty.

"You could always bribe him," Liz suggested. When Maka gave her a skeptical look, she shrugged indignantly.

"What could I possibly bribe him with?" Make asked, looking for even the slightest uncertainty in Liz's face.

"I don't know," she replied, still at ease. "Money?"

"You could offer to do his homework for him," Patty interjected.

"Or, you could always use your womanly charm to seduce him," Liz said, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Maka scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"You guys are useless," she said, questioning why she ever thought they'd be helpful.

"Look, Maka," Tsubaki said. "The way I see it, your only option is to talk to him and try to get him to understand that he won't embarrass himself."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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