Does He Love Me? SoulxMaka

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It's been a year since Asura was defeated. Death City has finally found peace, and all is as it should be. Kid is still obsessed with symmetry, Black Star is still "the star of the show", and Soul is still considering himself "cool".
So why do I feel like something is missing? Why, at night, do I lie awake staring at the ceiling? Why are my dreams plagued with faces? Faces of the same person. Faces of my closest friend, and the only man I've decided to trust.
Souls face. I see it every night, after hours of trying to sleep. He is all I can think about, all I can focus on! And he is all I want, as well.
The only thing I need is him, by my side, till the end. Is that so much to ask?
One night, as I lie in bed, gazing into the stars, I wonder; Will he ever love me? Will he ever return the feelings I have for him?
Tears spilled over my cheeks, and I found myself upright, weeping into my hands. We've been partners for years, and yet I still love him.
And I'll never know if he loves me.
Time passed. I don't know how long I wept, except that it was still dark outside when the door opened. Soul stepped in, oblivious, for the moment, to my tear-stained cheeks.
"Maka," he said, "I need to know where you put the first aid kit. I cut my hand."
I never stopped crying, silently sobbing into my hands. The silence was louder than any thousand screams. Soul peered at me.
"Maka?" He whispered. "Are you alright?"
Still, the silence permeated the atmosphere.
"Maka," he commanded, reaching for my hands. "Tell me what's wrong."
He succeeded in pulling my hands away from my face, and looked taken aback at the sight of my tear-streaked face. Immediately, his expression softened, and he began to run his thumb over my cheek.
"Whatever it is that's bothering you, it'll be okay," he murmured. Plopping down beside me, he wrapped his arms around my small frame and held me close.
Leaning on his shoulder, I began to sob again. If only we could do this anytime, and not just when I was crying. Soul seemed to notice.
"Shhhhhh," he said. Using his hand, he tilted my head up to face him. He leaned in, closed his eyes, and kissed me. His lips were warm and soft, calming me down considerably.
"It'll be alright," he cooed, "I'll always be by your side. Until the very end."

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