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I was rudely awakened this morning by my best friend who decided to call me at 2 o’clock in the morning.

I was literally only asleep a few hours and then he decided to phone and asks if I wanted to come to Barcelona with him because Borussia Dortmund are playing Barcelona in the Champions League.

Erik gave me one hour to pack all of my clothes and stuff for a three day trip.

I nearly screamed down the phone at him, but didn’t want to wake up my mom and dad.

Right now I’m leaning back against Erik as he arms are wrapped around my shoulders. My eyes are shut because it’s extremely early in the morning and I have had only one hour of sleep while everyone else got to sleep earlier because they knew about this trip in advance.

Erik presses a kiss to the side of my head as he supports me as we wait for the plane.

“Ooo, she’s gonna kill you.” I hear Erik and Nuri say at the same time making me open up my eyes and realise Kevin and Marco are taking pictures of me sleeping.

“I hate you guys so much, but literally I have no energy to stop you.” I close my eyes and lean back against Erik.

We all then get told that our plane isn’t coming for another hour and a half so they move us into a waiting room so I sit next to Erik on one of the couch.

“Just lie down and put your legs up on me and I’ll wake you up.” Erik tells me so I nod and lie back on the couch by not too much so that Cathy and Mats can sit down as well. My legs are on top of Erik’s and his arm is around my shoulder and I close my eyes to try to get some more sleep.


“Wake up Magda.” I hear a voice whisper in my ear making me jump awake.

“Where am I?” I ask, my head hurting from moving so quickly.

“You’re on the plane Magda, we’re going to land soon.” Erik tells me and I look at him confused.

“How did I get on the plane?” The last thing I remembered was moving into the waiting room.

“We walked you to the plane, you were like a walking zombie. It was really funny.” Erik explains making me laugh quietly.

“Well I was really tired, what did you expect?” I ask and he just pressed a kiss to the side of my head. I look out of the airplane window and down on the streets of Barcelona.

“Are you excited?” Erik asks me and I nod and smile at him.

“I sure am.” We descend lower until finally we land. I have to pop my ears and the Erik gets our bags and we go walk into the airport.

I curl up onto one of the airport chairs with Cathy sitting next to me.

“Come’n sleepy head, we need to go.” Cathy whispers to me and I groan loudly.

“Erik is so lucky that I love hi, if it was anyone else I would’ve said no.” I then get up and walk towards the exit with the group, but not without Cathy saying,

“That’s why you belong together.”


The moment we got to the hotel and Erik and I got to our rooms, immediately I jumped straight into my bed and went to sleep while Erik went to training with the guys.

The Footballer's Best Friend (Erik Durm)Where stories live. Discover now