𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 8

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The trip to get to Jackson lasted seven hours, between those hours you and Ellie stopped to eat and drink water, or just to take a small break, there was a lot of hugs and kisses.

But after all, the trip was peacefull, there was no infected or treaths of any kind.


The gates open, you and Ellie get inside.

Not even a second after you get out of the horse, Dina comes running and hugs you immediatly.

"I missed y'all so much." Dina says hugging Ellie now, and Jesse is hugging you now.

"We missed you guys too." You say with a smile on your face and Ellie agrees.

After saying the hello's to your friends you and Ellie go to talk to Maria.

She thanks you both from the bottom of her heart, she said that you both had made an incredible job.
You felt relieved and content that after all you and Ellie had been through it was all worth it.

After the talk with Maria, you and Ellie start walking to her house, with hands intertwined.

"Hey Ellie?" You ask, there was something bothering you.

"Yes babe?" She looks at you.

"Where's Joel? Since we got here I haven't seen him yet."

"Oh right, I asked Jesse about him. He said that Joel went in a small misson with Tommy." She explains to you.

"Ohhh it makes since. Do you know when he's coming back?"

"I think Jesse said tomorrow. So no need to worry babe." She kisses your forehead and you nod with a smile.


"So I was thinking about something." Ellie said in the porch of her house right before you enter.

"Okay what is it?" You asked her now being curious.

"So I was thinking that we could go out today." She said shyly.

"Like a date?" You tease her making her cheeks turn red.

"Yes like a date."

"I would love to Ellie." You kiss her soflty on the lips. She smiles and opens the door.


"Well we could go take a shower, and then we could cuddle a little before we go." She says walking to her room with her arms wrapped around your waist.

"I like that ideia a lot." You smile leaning to her body.

She starts kissing your neck leaving love bites, her cold hands touch your body underneath the shirt, she takes your bra off and starts massaging your breasts slowly, swirling your nipple between her fingers. You moan into her mouth and struggle to kiss her back.
Right in the moment when she starts laying you down on her bed there's a knock on the door.

"Fuck." She mumbles annoyed that someone interrupt.

"I'm sorry for that. What the hell does Dina want right now?" She says getting up.

"You don't need to apologize, it's okay. But how do you know it's Dina?" You ask her putting your bra on.

"Cause Dina always knocks three times, and she also waits three seconds before she knocks the third time." She explains and you smile, nodding.


Ellie opens the door, and almost immediatly Dina and Jesse walk into the house rambling about something.

"Took you long enough to open the door- Y/N?" Dina says, and then stops when she sees you. Jesse face shows confusion.

Ellie looks at you and you to her, how could you forget telling them?

"Ummmm, well there's something we need to tell you guys." Ellie explains with a soft blush covering her cheeks.

"O M G. JESSE I WON THE BET." Dina screams and Jesse whines. Now it's you that's confused.

"Wait what? What the hell are you talking about Dina?" Ellie asks feeling lost.

"Well my dearest friends. Me and Jesse made a bet, I bet that you guys would FINALLY understand your feelings for each other after the trip, and Jesse bet that it was going to take some more time. I mean, it was so obvious that you guys like eachother, and the tension, me and Jesse almost couldn't take it anymore, seriously you guys were kinda blind to not see  it earlier." Dina explains when you all sit on the couch.

"All that Dina said it's true." Jesse says passing her the money of the lost bet.

You and Ellie are completly shocked.

"Well I guess this trip made us realize." Ellie says looking at you kissing your forehead, and you smile nodding.
Dina and Jesse made a awww sound.

"We are really happy for you both. And now we can go on double dates! So how about today?" She asks smiling holding Jesse's hand.

Ellie looks at you before giving and answer and you nod in aproval. You and her already had a date, so why not make it a double date?

"PERFECT. We are here in two hours. Get ready, oh and Y/N? I love the new details." Dina explains, and then winks pointing at your neck.

You start blushing realizing what she was talking about. Ellie chuckles and holds you by the waist.

"See you guys at eight. Byeee." Dina and Jesse say their goodbyes.

"Well that was an interesting conversation." You said laughing.

"I agree. Let's finaly take our shower." Ellies kisses you making you moan, her tongue enters your mouth and you intertwined your arms behind her neck. You and Ellie start walking to her bedroom again, not letting each other go.

- Dina and Jesse knew! :D
- Don't forget to vote!
xoxo <3

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