7. Mysteries of the Wormholes

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We began research after I told Starshadow and Cosmo the experience I had with my family. I told them about my old friends, and they seemed to understand that fact. Cosmo barely remembered anything from her childhood, since she was captured as a Kirlia. It felt weird to remember that moment. It was almost like the flashback hit me in the head.

We were all split into different groups, but my group had an extra member since we were an odd number. Me, Silver, Starshadow, and Cosmo were at the huge computer screen in our base, and I thought it was very cool to have something like that. The experts, Sundew, Blazefire, and Hayden, were looking at a few books that they found lying around the library.

I happened to find some old pictures of what appeared to be Solgaleo and Lunala, the legends of this region. There was a light dragon in the center, and my gut told me that this was a very familiar Pokémon. Starshadow was reading on Ultra Beasts until he saw what I had pulled up. "Woah...." he said, trailing his sentence. He stared at the picture.

Cosmo and Silver were looking at it too, fascinated by what I had just found. "Necrozma.... the blinding one.... I'd never thought that I would see it to this very day!" Cosmo exclaimed. I had a feeling that the dragon in the picture was Necrozma. I was wondering if the Necrozma spotted in Alola was indeed it in its ultra form, or its normal form. 

"I think Solgaleo and Lunala have something to do with it am I right?" asked Silver. Starshadow sighed. "I don't know, but I do know that Naganadel may have the answer to that," he ended up saying. "Naganadel?" I asked. "An Ultra Beast that rules its own world through the ultra wormhole. A world where Necrozma spreads its light," Cosmo explained. "Solgaleo and Lunala give it the light it needs to shine all over the Alola region. If it has all of the light it needs, it has the ability to change from its prisim and ultra forms at will. But it goes into a deep sleep if it looses all of that light, and light keeps it alive."

Ice raced down my spine and to my tail. It gave me the creeps just thinking about it. Starshadow had gone back into researching more Ultra Beast info while I stared at the picture with the trio of legends. Was it true? Were the god and goddess of the sun and moon connected to Necrozma? A being of both darkness and light?

Starshadow happened to get more info on the mysterious Ultra Beasts. "The Ultra Beasts do indeed live on the other side of the wormhole, and one seems to live in an alternate version of Alola," Starshadow said. When he said an alternate version of Alola, I knew that the end result was not pretty. But the Ultra Beast did come to my mind. "Guzzlord...." I trailed out loud.

"H-how did you know that?" Silver asked me. "I don't know... I just knew it I suppose," I said again. "My parents did tell me stories about the alternate world and Guzzlord, so that's how I knew I suppose," I added. Cosmo then happened to pick up the voice of a Pokémon. "I heard someone!" she said. "It's almost like that they are in trouble!"

We all gasped, but Blazefire had already grabbed more info on the wormholes! "You guys! There are different wormhole types, and all of them have different colors to show you what Pokémon might come out of them!" he exclaimed as he showed us the picture in the book he had.

Sundew and Hayden were amazed as well, since they had no idea that that was really true. Hayden then said, "The white wormholes are the UB ones? Those should be the ones that we should be looking for!" he said. "Right!" Blazefire said.

We then left the building. Our first location was on Ula'Ula Island, with the report of the UB called Kartana. Thanks to Cosmo's excellent teleporting abilities, we got to the location in a second. Next thing I knew, I was standing in the garden portion of the island, and there was Kartana, with three Pokémon fighting it in battle. They were a Kommo-o, a shiny Lurantis, and an Absol.

The Kommo-o used dragon claw at Kartana, knocking it over to the Lurantis who used a powered up solar blade. The Absol came next, and used night slash, sending the Kartana into its wormhole. We all watched the wormhole vanish. "Good work team!" the Lurantis said. That wasn't until I recognized them. My childhood friends! They had formed their own small team!

It wasn't until the Absol saw me. "Willow! Scales! Thunderheart is back!" he said. I ran over to them, and gave them a big group hug. "I missed you guys so much!" I said crying. "We missed you too Thunder," Willow replied. We all let go. "I believe you've gotten bigger when we last saw each other," the Absol, Alpha, said. "You still look like yourself though!" I laughed.

Scales then patted my back and said, "Good to see you Thunderheart! The soul of thunder and official Flaming Fates leader!" I gasped. "Oh, we've heard about your Kyruem clash and your Calyrex encounter, so that's how we know," Willow explained to me. I'm glad that she did, since I was about to ask how they knew about me. Scales then stared at Silver. "Yes, she's my girlfriend," I said sheepishly. Scales gave me a small smirk.

"We've heard about your escape, and so did your parents! We wondered if you would ever come back to Alola, but you didn't. Where did you end up hiding at?" Willow asked. "I lived in the Crown Tundra. All on my own. For four years," I said with a sigh. "But the Flaming Fates found me, and now I feel right at home."

Alpha nodded at the last sentence. I then noticed that he was wearing a bowtie with the Absolnite attached to it. "That mega stone...." Sundew gasped. She clutched her choker that had her mega stone on it. "Oh, you mean this thing? I found it on Mount Lanakila when we went exploring. I just happened to find it while digging in the snow, and Willow made me the bowtie," Alpha said. "She's pretty good at making clothes to be honest!"

Cosmo then stepped up. "You guys are wondering about these UB encounters right?" The three of them nodded. "Yeah. We in fact became a team that specializes in them, and I'm the leader," Willow said. "Scales is the brawn and Alpha is the brains." She pointed at the two of them.

"That's good to hear," Cosmo said. "We'd love to help you on your mission Flaming Fates, so count us in!" Scales said. After that, my team mates met my childhood friends. It felt good to have them, and with more UB experts, it would be a lot easier to track down the other UBs in search of the wormholes. In search of the legends. And maybe, in search of Naganadel's world.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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