6. Learning the Truth

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"Mom, is this really necessary?" I asked moaning. She was already hugging me close and was digging her claws in my fur. My father laughed. "Overspark always did that to Thunder when he was a kit. Even though we are watched under the eyes of Tapu Fini, we are sometimes being watched by the great Tapu Koko of Melemele Island," he explained to my friends.

Of course that my father's words would be interesting to them! Silver lived in Kalos, Hayden in Sinnoh, Sundew in Hoenn, and Blazefire in Unova. I wasn't too shure where Starshadow and Cosmo lived, but I wondered if they both lived in the same region together. My mother eventually let go of me.

We all had a good time just talking away. I even had some good quality time with my parents in like, five years! I was in that  laboratory for five years! No wonder Tapu Koko sent me and my friends to them. "We.... thought you were dead!" my mother said hugging me tight. "We're just so happy to see you home." I had to burry my face in her white fur. It felt so soft, and it brought back memories if when I was a kit, and how I always buried my face into her chest because of how warm she was.

I was shure that my friends had family too, and that they visited them sometimes. "What do you mean by, you thought Thunderheart was dead?" Hayden asked. Scar sighed. "We haven't told you the story huh? Well, here we go..." he trailed off, and then looked at Overspark. She let go of me, and then the story started. For some weird reason, a flashback came to me, as if I remembered that tragedy that happened five years ago.....

Begin Flashback

It was just a normal day here in Alola. Me and my parents had just returned from Akala Island after a small visit from friends. We returned to our humble abode on Poni Island. It was right near the Vast Poni Canyon entrance, and not too far from the alters that housed the legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala.

I was a very lucky Zeraora kit, since I got to see all of the islands and all of the Tapus! It was amazing seeing all of them! It felt nice living in Alola, but I wanted to see the rest of the reigons. There was Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, and finally, Galar. There were many different Pokémon kinds that I wanted to see, and I wanted to encounter legendary Pokémon like Xerneas and Lugia.

Mother was making supper for us. I asked my father if he had explored the seven regions. He said,"I have son. I've been to Kalos, Unova, and Hoenn. What made you ask?"  I began playing with my tail. "I wanted to travel the Pokémon world and see the other regions," I replied.

"Ok you two, supper is ready!" my mother exclaimed. She then placed our favorites down, and we ate til out fill. I enjoyed my little home. It was perfect. I mean, I even had a few friends! I was friends with Scales the Jangmo-o, Willow the shiny Flomantis, and Alpha the Absol. Once I was done eating, I asked my parents if I could go play with my friends.

Overspark, my mother's name, said yes and not to wander too far from home. I left my cave and met up with my friends. We all loved to pretend that we were a exploration team traveling the world in searching for treasures or pretending to travel the regions. Soon, we all heard an explosion near the Vast Poni Canyon.

When we got there, the whole entrance was nearly on fire! I ran to my parents, with Father holding on to me close. Next thing I new, they were both knocked out, and I felt human hands grab me and take me away from my family. I tried to squirm out of their grip, but they were too strong.

I could hear Mother and Father running after me. It looks like it didn't take them a long time to wake up. "MY KIT!" she shouted. "MOTHER!" I screamed, but I was then placed in a cage and loaded up in a plane. The plane I was in took off, I could imagine my parents crying and hugging each other. I then noticed two other Pokémon in the plane with me. A Kirlia and a Zoura.

They ended up becoming my friends, and I liked that. The plane landed an hour later, and the same human took my cage out from the plane. He was wearing a lab coat. I never noticed that. "Young Zeraora," the Zoura said, "Welcome to Galar."

End flashback

"When that plane took off, that was the last we saw of our little Thunderheart," Scar said, wrapping it up. It felt so weird that I remembered that story, even if I was a small kit. I had more friends asides my team, Starshadow, and Cosmo. I was friends with a Jangmo-o, a Flomantis, and an Abosl! I had to meet them!

But I soon remembered that I had research to do on the wormholes and Ultra Beasts, so maybe later. They were popping up like crazy around here, so I had to lack it off! I hugged Mother and Father. "I have to go, but I'll see you guys later!" I said. I joined the others and left the cave. Everyone was talking about my parents. "Scar and Overspark were so nice!" Sundew exclaimed. "Another Zeraora! We got to see another Zeraora! But it's shiny! This is awesome!" Hayden said happily.

We spotted Starshadow and Cosmo at base. They were happy that I enjoyed the quality time with my family. "Time to get down to business," Starshadow said. By business, I knew what he meant. Our mission. It was time to start the next mission.

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