A Misunderstanding

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{A/N} This probably suckssss. I also got really confused about their ages... so that's probably wrong. Enjoy. Or don't. But I hope it's the former.

"Percy, come here! We need to talk!" I was going back to my cabin, from Annabeth's, when Jason's angry voice made me halt in my tracks. "What the hell do you think you're doing!?", He boomed.

I turned to gape at him because I hadn't done anything notably wrong. Or, wrong enough to get yelled at. Jason raised an eyebrow at me, signaling for me to go on with the explanation I couldn't provide. "Percy!" He urged. "What!?" I snapped back, clearly bewildered.

He slowly took a deep breath and let it out through his nose, calming himself before continuing. "Percy. Are you cheating on Nico? With Annabeth? Are you?" My eyes immediately felt like they would burst from their sockets, they were so wide.

"What!? Why the hell would you assume that!? I would- I could never do that to Nico." I stated indignantly. It was quite the offending accusation. I had been with Nico since the year after we defeated Gaea, he was 15 and I was 18. Now, it was 2 years later -- he was 17, I was barely 21 -- and my love for that boy eclipsed everything else in my being. Everything else that I am! We were perfect for eachother, I thought. How could Jason even think something so- so- so absurd!?

"Oh, really? Well, Nico came to my cabin hours ago. Crying and babbling about how you've been avoiding him and you've spent every day this week in Annabeth cabin until well past midnight! Midnight, Percy! When he finally cried himself to sleep, I came to find you," Jason bellowed, loudly, earning stares from nearby campers -- mostly occupants of the Aphrodite cabin.

"Well I'm sure as hell not cheating!" I yelled back, even louder than he had been. I was really starting to get emotional. Jason locked and unlocked his jaw a few times before continuing, in a much calmer voice.

"Perseus Jackson, I know you and Annabeth are best friends, but it is unacceptable to avoid Nico and spend nights with your ex! What do you expect him to think!? What would you think!?"

Well, when it was put that way, I guess it wouldn't be to tricky to misinterpret things. Maybe I should just tell him the truth... Jason sighed, defeated.

"Percy. Are you sleeping with Annabeth?" I immediately started to vigorously shake my head, glaring at the blond. "Jason, the only person I've ever... er ... slept with ... is Nico! The only person I would even think about touching -- the only person I want to touch -- is Nico!"

He closed his eyes and asked softly, "Then what are you doing with Annabeth every night?"

When I thought about telling Jason what I was actually doing with Annabeth I started nervously biting my lip and blushing profusely. Which, in this moment, could be misinterpreted. "For dad's sake, Percy! Just spit it out!" Jason said, getting noticeably more impatient each passing second.

On impulse, I quickly snagged up Jason's hand. I ripped the small box out of the pocket of my hoodie, gently -- but speedily -- placed it on the blond boys palm, then shyly stepped back while he began to examine the object.

Gods, why was I blushing so hard!? Jason looked up and raised an eyebrow before carefully opening up the box. His breath caught in his throat. He looked up.

"Oh my gods, Percy... is this- is this what I think it is?" Jason breathed out, in shock. "Well, that depends... Do you think it's an engagement ring for Nico? Because, yeah, it... it is..."

Jason finally untensed his shoulders and let out a big, breathy laugh. "What...?" He let slip out, between his puffs of laughter.

"I- I'm proposing. To Nico. I wanna marry that boy, Jay. As soon as possible..." it felt so strange, finally saying the words out loud. So amazingly strange! Just the thought got me so happy that I could feel my eyes sting with unshed tears of joy.

"So... what about Annabeth?" Jason asked, making me mentally facepalm. I groan, from his redundance, before shaking my head and answering honestly.

"Jay, Nico is barely 17! Do you think he would just say yes? I thought that maybe, if I did something unique and romantic and amazing, it would... increase his chances of... saying yes." I took a moment to smile at the thought of Nico saying yes before continuing.

"I'm not exactly smart, or even remotely romantic so... I went to Annabeth..." Jason roughly shoved me back by the shoulder and started to laugh.

"Seaweed Brain really suits you right now. Nico loves you more than anything. I know he would've said yes, even without the painful misunderstanding."

He shook his head and started laughing even harder, whilst pulling me in for a bro-hug. When his laughing died down, he spoke one more time before turning to leave.

"I'll handle Nico..."

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