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He told his father that he wasn't ready to be back to school just yet, but when has his father ever listened to him? That's right, never.

So that's how he ended up sitting under the sinks in the boys bathroom, hugging his knees to his chest, hypervenalating and trying as hard as possible to keep his vomit down.

It was his first day back to school after the accident, the first time back in the crowded hallways. The bodies pressing against his as he walked from class to class had been too much. They made him feel trapped. Suffocated.

Nico wasn't sure how long he had been freaking out in the bathroom. He had come in here while switching to 3rd and he felt like he had been in here for just a few seconds, but in reality it was probably a few hours.

Surprisingly, no one had come to the bathroom and Nico was extremely thankful for that. He wasn't ready to leave yet. At least he felt secure here. Actually, he planned to stay here for as long as possible. He did have food and water in his messenger bag. Along with his latest book and he really couldn't ask for anything more.

He tried to stay calm. He splashed his face with cold water from the sink, he took deep breaths and he even tried imagining that he was somewhere else. However, nothing would calm him down.

He was so busy attempting- and falling -at controlling himself that he didn't notice the bathroom doors opening.

"Nico" "Shit, what's wrong?", he recognized the voices of Jason Grace and Will Solace. Briefly, he though about how convenient it was that his two best friends were the ones to catch him in this vulnerable state.

"Nico? Nico? Are you alright? What's going on? Nico!", his head snapped up. He was having trouble focusing on the blonds. Resting his forehead on his knees, a sob wracked his body.

His friends came up beside him- thankfully giving him space- and tried to soothe him. They rubbed his back gently and he vaguely heard them exchanging words over his back.

There was one word, though, that got his attention. "-Percy...?", and he wasn't sure which one had said it but, he finally looked up.

Chest moving rapidly, he looked between the two and slowly nodded. "Percy. Percy..." he whispered it, but as soon as the words left his lips, Will scrambled up off the floor and out of the bathroom.

So Nico sat there, with Jason, sobbing and rocking back and fourth. It's awful that Percy would have to see him this wrecked, but they've been here before and he's the only one that could help him right now.

Percy was the only one he told about the accident that robbed him of his mother and sister. Percy was the only one from school that he had invited to the funeral. Percy was the only one that Nico felt still loved him unconditionally.

Nico and Percy had started dating the day of Nico's fifteenth birthday. It was one of his best memories, Percy had been so sweet that day- and basically every single day after. They were together for just under a year when the accident happened.

Nico had disappeared for about two weeks. He avoided calls and he didn't go to school. Eventually, when Percy had finally just come over, Nico broke down and he had cried in Percy's arms all night.

Since then, Percy was the thing that kept Nico going. He called Percy if he had harmful urges. He spent weekends with Percy to get away from his father.

Percy held him together. He gave him the love he needed in this fragile state.

The door opened and Jason disappeared, replaced by Percy. Lifting his head off his knees, Nico risked a glance at his love. When his vision was filled with messy black hair and cute green eyes, the hole in his heart filled a little.

At the moment, his perfect green orbs were darker than usual and laced with concern. Nico often had doubts about his relationship, because how could someone as perfect as Percy love someone like him- someone so mangled? And he feared that he was just a burden for the sexy swim captain.

Percy's eyes raked over his face, taking in the wild and broken look. He scooted over, hip to hip with Nico, and he hooked his arm around Nico's waist. Unlike the usual person, Percy's touches and closeness made him relax. The very scent that radiated off of Percy made his lungs calm down.

Lip trembling, Nico clung to his boyfriend and burried his face in the crook of his neck. "Nico it's okay, you're okay...", for the first few minutes Percy just held Nico in his arms, trying to reassure his love

Eventually, the bell for lunch rings.

Percy kisses Nico on the cheek and offers to drive him home and spend the rest of the day together. Of course Nico accepts.

When they get to Percy's house, Nico is grateful that this is what Percy meant by home. He shoots Percy a lovely smile and for the first time in long time... he feels okay again.

[A/N:] One of my favorite Skillet songs. It feels appropriate for this scenario.

Please PM me? I've seriously been dying to have a percico shipper as a friend. My best friend doesn't like reading books. But no Solangelo or Percabeth -_- C'monnn. ^3^ k, bye!! R&R!!

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