Teddy Bear

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My eyes shoot open and the tears immediately proceeded to pour down my sleep-flushed cheeks. I'm anxious and paranoid as my eyes float around the vicinity, soaking in my surroundings. Chest heaving, I realize that I'm in my shared bedroom with Percy though I could've sworn that I was in absolute hell not 30 seconds ago.

I raise my hands to my tear-streaked face and release a choked sob coming from deep within my chest. The nightmares have never left me. They've changed to shape their horrors to my new vulnerabilities. But still, they haunt me.

I peak over at Percy's sleeping form and warmth spreads through me, all the way to my toes. But it isn't enough. In the past, one glance at Percy- with drool running down his chin and soft snores being released from his rosy lips- and every ounce of fear was released from my being.

Things have changed quite a bit, though. Those dreams were silly compared to these. Those dreams about monsters torturing me and draining me can't even compete with the dreams I have now- the dreams of my child being ripped from the safety of my arms.

Our son, who is my absolute biggest joy, is also my greatest vulnerability. Before, I'd never known the amount of love for a child was even possible. The only person I'd had to worry about up until the past few years was myself. Of course I'd loved Percy but he can take care of himself. Our baby was defenceless against the monsters of the world.

Since even before he was born, I'd been terrified for his life.

Percy said that even mortal parents feel this way. That it's natural. But this feeling is inhumane, my insides are crawling and mind is ringing.

I sniffle my nose and heave a deep sigh before swinging my legs over the side of the bed carefully. I smooth back the inky black hair tickling my husband's nose before quietly walking into the baby blue bedroom of Austin Paul Jackson.

His room was just barely lit up by a sweet Nemo night light for I didn't feel comfortable with Austin sleeping with so much darkness and shadows pooling near his crib. His room also displayed more Posideon heritage than Hades heritage because I truly want my pure and innocent child to be shielded from that until much, much later in life.

Aside from the crib, there was a cushiony rocking chair, a dresser and small table with arts-and-crafts littering the surface. Most of Austin's toys were kept in the living room, but the small child enjoyed his swings outside the most.

Walking over to the crib, I saw that he was safe, that nothing had come for him, that it truly had been a nightmare. And I could just cry in relief. Instead, I placed my pale hand on his chubby cheek and just looked at his perfect form, cooing when he snuggled his face into my cool palm.

He favored Percy more than anything. The small kid had wide green eyes and brown hair (more on the lighter side). Though he did have some features that belonged to the di Angelo gene pool. He had a button nose and his lips were shaped like mine. All in all, he was beautiful.

I wanted to scoop him up and hold him in my arms, but he looked so content that I couldn't bear to wake him. Leaning down, I pressed a few light kisses to his face then lay my arms flat on the edge of his crib resting my chin on them. I can't even believe that this perfect baby boy w-

"Nico," I jumped at Percy's quiet, husky voice. "You've done this every night since he he turned 1. I told you, he's fine. Nothing's gonna hurt him with us in the other room, I wouldn't let that happen."

A pitiful whimper escapes my lips and I bury my face in my hands. "I know that Percy! I know I'm being irrational, but- but what if... what if..." I hiccuped on the rest of my sentence and Percy wrapped his strong arms around me from behind.

After a few minutes of softly shushing me, Percy disappeared from our son's room without a word.

Instead of following him, I opted to stroke Austin's cheeks until the anxiety in my chest subsided.

After a couple more minutes, just as I was about to tuck his blanket around him and leave, a worn teddy bear was placed in the corner of his crib. I turned to Percy with one eyebrow raised.

"It was mine. When I was little. My mom gave it to me when I told her we were expecting for sentiment I guess. I grew up with just a mortal and I was a son of the big 3. If this stuffed bear helped me keep my cool though all that, I figure he'll be fine... so he can keep Mr. Snuggles."

After he finished talking, he nestled the toy closer to the sleeping baby and lightly rested his hand on Austin's creamy tummy, feeling the rise and falls of his exhales.

"He's fine, Neeks. Let's go cuddle before I have to leave for work, okay?" He swiftly pecked Austin's forehead and walked back to our bedroom.

Reluctantly, with one more loving gaze and a last stroke of the cheek, I followed behind him, leaving Austin's door cracked.

I crawled back into bed, tucking myself away in Percy's side. I looped my arm firmly across his ribcage and inhaled the scent that I've come to associate with happiness, hope and security.

"Nico...?" I hummed, "The way you are with Austin... I've been thinking. Are you comfortable maybe having more...? Not like right away, but maybe in the next few years? I love having him around, I think another would be amazing! Or is that too much for you? I respect whatever you want and I'll support y-"

I cut him off with a sweet, loving kiss. Playfully nipping at his lower lip, I pulled back and rested my head on his chest. "Yes. Of fucking course I wanna have more babies with you, Percy fucking Jackson."

He squeezed my body tighter to his own and kissed the top of my head. Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. "Perce...?" "Nico..."

"You had a teddy bear named Mr. Snuggles?"

{A/N} I didn't write this part but, Artemis blessed the teddy bear and gifted it to Sally. That's the reason she gave it to Percy when he started... getting down to business.

Um okay like apparently some peeps get confused, but allow me to clear the air. THE BABIES WOULD COME FROM A C-SECTION, NOT OUT OF NICO'S BUTT. Fuck the what, isn't that implied ? Ew. Anywho, thanks for taking the time and reading my terrible oneshots! Feedback fuels my updates so COMMENT PLEASEEEE. Ew I'm so clingy.

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