Sweeter than Sugar

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{A/N} its OOC but it's an AU, so... eh.

At age 23 there are a lot of things I know how to do. I can fence, jump rope, count to 100, whistle show-tunes, tie my shoes, and even braid hair. But, unfortunately, I cannot bake. That's how I ended up here.

I'm currently in my small kitchen, in my small apartment, covered in flour and rummaging for the sugar that the recipè calls for. Of course, I started out with everything perfectly lined up, all the ingredients set out on the counter. Sadly, I've already burned 9 batches of blue sugar cookies and I ran out of one of the key ingredients. Sugar. Therefore, I'm rummaging though the practically empty cabinets looking, praying, for a spare bag.

The reason I decided to actually bake the cookies for mothers day, instead if just buying them, I'm slowly forgetting.

Suddenly, the smoke alarm going off again from the residue smoke and that just fuels my bakers rage by 100% and I slam the cabinet shut. Most people, normal people, would take this time to just give up and go buy perfect store made cookies. But no, my ADHD mind takes this as a personal challenge from the gods, a quest even!

But to defeat this metaphorical monster -the cookies- I'll need another half cup of sugar.

I go to my front door and step out into the hallway, feet clad in only bright blue socks. I approach to door directly in front of my own and knock politely.

I've never met any of my neighbors, never had the time and never really cared. I always thought it'd be some middle aged divorcè or an old couple just past retirement. But I never expected what I saw when the door was opened about half a minute after I knocked.

A boy, younger than me, and with lanky limbs blinked up at me and raised his eyebrows just slightly. He was wearing nicely fit grey sweatpants and a shirt advertising Three Days Grace. His skin was fair and porcelain, shockingly unblemished and smooth. His dark hair was just past his ears and curled sweetly at the ends. And those warm brown eyes are just-

"Um. Hi?" He twitched his nose awkwardly while I was just absolutely melting at his gorgeous, accented voice. "Can I have some sugar?" I narrowed my eyes at my own awkward words. If it hadn't been a totally delectable young boy that I was asking then perhaps that would be a normal request. But, no, there was already too much tension for that.

"Um...?" He scrunched his perfect eyebrows up at me - I was about a head taller - and I rushed to clearify myself. "Uh, I live right there and I'm baking cookies, but I've already gone through all of my sugar so, like, can I get, like, half a cup from you? Please." I said while vaguely gesturing at my door.

His rosy lips formed and "o" when he finally understand my intent. "Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, of course. C'mon in..."  he turned and walked away, leaving the door open behind him. I followed after.

His interior decor seemed to match his look well enough. He had sci-fi movie posters and several bookshelves crammed with huge novels and comics. He had a pretty decent leather couch facing his entertainment center. Of course, my favorite part was the giant flatscreen and ps4.

His kitchen was tidy and just- wow, everything about him is perfect, isn't it? It is.

"So, what are the cookies for?" He asked politely, on the hunt for sugar. "Um, mother's day. I probably should've just bought her something... I've burned the cookies like a thousand times already..." I replied, albeit sheepishly.

"Well... what are you setting the temperature to?" he asked while shuffling through a bottom cabinet and giving me quite the view.

"...420?" he turned to me, eyebrow cocked. "Maybe you should try something lower... maybe 350?" Bless this beautiful boy. Bless him.

"So, how long have you lived here...? I've never seen you around or anything." he finally came up with his container of sugar and walked over to me.

"Well, I moved in about a month after I turned 18... so about a year and a half now. And I'm taking a gap year before I start college so I mostly just stay here under my father's funds."

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry I'm only meeting you now, then... what's your name? I'm Percy Jackson, by the way." I added the last part with my most charming smile. Flirty, charming smile. Yeah.

"Nico. Nico di Angelo." he handed me the sugar and started walking to his door again. "D'ya have like a ziploc bag or something...? I wouldn't wanna rob you of all of your sugar." I timidly asked before I stepped out again.

"Well that just gives you a reason to come back."

He shot me a smile, sweeter than any amount of sugar out there, and gently closed his door.

I'll be back, alright.

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